John suggested that I make some cinnamon rolls for his dad who has a sweet tooth the size of a Volkswagen. I really didn’t want to because I knew I’d end up eating too many. Why is it that sweet things can call me all the way upstairs? I’m not sure why OR how but it happens. It happens all too often.
I knew he’d enjoy them so I made some using my Thermomix. I’d seen all the clone of a Cinnabon recipes but the last time I tried one it made an enormous panful and there are only 3 people here and one doesn’t eat sweets.
The recipe I chose was very “Cinnabon-y” and Rob ate one with gusto. With John looking on, we decided that this recipe had a moan factor of 15 on a scale of 1-20. Why not 20? We thought there might be too much filling and they were too sweet. Wait… did I actually type that I thought something was too sweet? I wasn’t sure that was possible.
I’m going to give the Thermomix recipe just so you’ll know just how nifty this machine is. There are heaps of Cinnabon clone recipes and feel free to add your link to the comments.
- 240 grams milk
- 65 grams Butter
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 650 grams bakers flour
- 100 grams sugar
- 10 grams dry yeast
- 250 grams brown sugar, to taste dark or light
- 65 grams Butter, room temperature
- 2½ tablespoons cinnamon
- 250 grams raw sugar
- 55 grams Butter
- 125 grams cream cheese
- 1 centimetre vanilla bean
- ⅛ teaspoon salt
- Weigh milk and butter into TM mixing bowl. Heat on 50 degrees C for 3 min on speed 1.
- Add remaining dough ingredients in order given.
- Process 15 seconds on speed 7 to make a rough dough.
- Knead 2 minutes on dough mode.
- Turn dough out onto Thermomat or into a greased bowl and let prove for 1 hour or until doubled.
- Roll out dough on Thermomat or lightly floured surface to 35 x 50 cm rectangle.
- Let rest while preparing filling.
- Spread dough with softened 65 g butter
- Sprinkle evenly with brown sugar and cinnamon. (Yes, this is 2½ TABLEspoons 😉 This recipe is very caramel-and-cinnamon-y!
- Roll dough from long side and cut into 12 rolls
- Place rolls in a lightly greased 23 x 33 cm baking tin lined with baking paper. Cover and let rise for 30 minutes; meanwhile, preheat your oven to 200C / 400F
- Bake in a preheated oven for approx 15 minutes, or until golden.
- While baking, prepare the icing.
- Icing
- Mill sugar together with vanilla bean into icing sugar 20 seconds on speed 9. (substitute ½ teaspoon pure vanilla paste or extract after milling sugar if you don't have a vanilla bean)
- Add butter, cream cheese and salt. Heat on 37 degrees for 2 minutes on speed 2.
- Spread icing on hot rolls
I was going to post a photo of my nifty homemade worm farm that Rob helped me build (from Lizzie Moult’s instructions) but it just doesn’t seem right to put worms on the same page as cinnamon rolls. You’ll have to wait. 🙂
And Rob has decided to stay another month. Could it be all this cooking that’s keeping him interested? Might be. He loves being spoiled and I must admit that we really enjoy having him here.
Drooling over these, I love that vanilla bean glaze!
I made cinnamon rolls only twice in my life, back in the days when Phil’s kids were around. Now of course I could bring them to our department, but I’ve been accused of being responsible of some people gaining a few pounds… who, me? 😉
What can I say? I don’t have a sweet tooth but I enjoy baking, so someone has got to eat it all, right? 😉
I am intrigued by the Termomix – it’s such an expensive toy, I don’t quite know how to justify the purchase. But everyone who has one, loves it!
I said the same thing, Sally, until I got mine. I took out my blender and my breadmaker and food processor because I just stopped using them. I like being able to make custard or sauces while I fold the laundry. I can make caramelized onions slowly cooking for 45 minutes until they are just perfect before adding in a bit of balsamic vinegar. I could go on but I’d bore you. 🙂
OMG, these look amazing and way better than any Cinnabon. What is bakers’ flour?
bread flour 🙂
*sigh* I should NEVER have looked at these. Nope.
Oh come on, Jan, you know you want to. 🙂
My daughter is a huge fan of Cinnabon. I may just need to save this recipe for when she’s feeling better. She’ll be able to gain as much weight as she likes after chemo:)
Thanks for sharing, Maureen…
Yes, she’ll love these and gaining weight will be good.
How beautiful… may I please have one with morning macchiato?
You can have two but you have to stay longer for a chat
These have to be the best cinnamon rolls I’ve seen in a long time!!
Wow, Ashley, what a kind comment!
Would it be rude of me to shove my entire face into that baking pan of cinnamon rolls… because that’s just what I want to do. Drool. 🙂
Phew! At first I was worried when I saw the 15, because 11 is my highest rating for over-the-top goodness. But then I saw it was a 20-point scale, not a 10-point one. 😉 These look delish. Whenever we bake we give most of it to my father, who lives nearby. So he gets all the calories! Really terrific buns, here – thanks!
We couldn’t finish them all but Rob certainly had his fill. Today he wanted to know what I’m making for dinner – and he asked at 8:30am. I have no idea until about 4pm 🙂
You know what “too sweet” means, don’t you? Time to slather on some peanut butter 😉
How can they be too sweet? They sound amazing!
I know, seriously 🙂
I may have moaned when I saw your picture. I’ve been craving cinnamon rolls.
You’re killing me here..I am 37 moan factor right now..
Oh Lordy, I better not make these! I remember when I was a kid, buying these from the supermarket and eating the entire packet in (almost) one sitting. Then, there’s Cinnebon to contend with …
I’m giving the pictures a moan factor of 20! How can anything be too sweet? 🙂 These look SO GOOD and quite dangerous. How can you stop eating them? I know I couldn’t.
G’day and wow Maureen, you got the droolability out of me today, true!
WISH I could come through the screen and taste one of these now and am sure Rob enjoyed them very much too!
Cheers! Joanne
Look forward to playing with Thermomix soon! 🙂
I’ll send you my fave ideas, Joanne!
Those cinnamon buns look like the hired assassins of the dessert world – DANGEROUS. Man, they really look delicious. Killer Buns.
okay I haven’t written this in a long time but this comment deserves a ROFL 🙂
Maureen I look forward to seeing you worm farm and yes putting them on the same page as your cinnamon rolls would definitely not work. The scrolls look really good, I have not eaten one in years, you have tempted me that is for sure.
These would definitely call me all the way upstairs! What gorgeous looking rolls – I’m so impressed, and also so in love with their appearance 🙂
Maureen, I can’t resist the temptation of eating a few of these cinnammon rolls! These look so perfect. YUMM!
I just spat my coffee out at ‘moan factor 15’ bahahahahaha orgasmic alright!
These were good 🙂
Oooh. I didn’t realise you had a Thermomix – the king of kitchen gadgets. Have you done a review of it? I’ll have to do a search. I’m in two minds. I love the authenticity of cooking the old fashioned way, I still knead dough by hand despite having a KitchenAid with dough hook. But I am drawn to the timesaving (and mess saving), and ice-cream characteristics of the Thermomix. I’ll have to continue my internal dialogue – I don’t have enough room on my bench for one 🙂
Ohh… I made Cinnamon Rolls once and I dared not again since. They are sooooo sticky, soft and amazing… They were demolished in a morning’s sitting. Yours look gorgeous and make me want to bake them again…
LOL at the moan factor measure! I think that’s the best way to describe food actually! 😛
My moan factor is about 15 from just viewing them; oh to have been in your kitchen!
They sound good and look fantastic. I bet adding some salt to the filling would temper the sweetness a bit and maybe bumped them up to a 17-18! I also like some orange zest in my filling. Just for fun.
We had a Thermomix at the restaurant. There was a great debate about whether it was Very Useful or just Keen. I think it finally came down on the very useful side mainly because they could make Hollandaise in it in no time. Had no idea you could make Baked Goods using it!
PS How about “Check out my worm farm, after the jump…”? LOL =D
LOL what? you didn’t try everything with the Thermomix? How about zapping almonds, coconut, dates and apples and serving that over yoghurt? Bread to first rise in under 3 minutes. I use mine every single day. I even have two bowls/jugs so I can mill flour or make confectioners sugar in a dry bowl. 🙂
I like the idea of more salt and the orange zest is a winner too. I don’t care if I see another cinnamon roll for a while. 🙂
Oh Maureen – You got me drooling…seriously!! I was craving for some cinnamon rolls and that when I saw this post from you…They look super good and perfectly done!
I’d been craving them too and now I don’t want another one for a while. 🙂
I saw Cinnabon when I was in the US last year, but they looked sooooo sickly… if I made these I think I’d do it without the extra glaze! 🙂
They look ridiculously decadent Maureen! No wonder you were all moaning! And did you REALLY say something was too sweet? 😉
Gloriously gooey and delicious especially with the cream cheese topping/glaze. I’m just amazed how the filling in your sliced buns prior to baking is so even and the rolls in the 2nd picture from the top are so clean and crisp not deformed and messy like mine end up being.
Oh moan! Moan. Moan. Moan…moan! I adore cinnamon buns but not the store bought kind, these look wonderful. I have no idea what a thermomix is so I’m googling it now.
We’ve been away getting into trouble with a fellow blogger, stay tuned on Monday to get the low down! Boy do I wish Australia was closer, I’d be all over to meet you and John.
Too funny. Love, love, love your moan factor scale I think you should rate all your recipes on it from now on.
Oh my!!!!! I want. Why do you always tempt me so, Maureen? Please don’t stop, either. 🙂
He’s only staying one more month? I bet he’s still there at Christmas! I love the look of these and I know how much I would love them. I didn’t know you have a Thermomix – yet another gadget for my wish list xx
He’s a very easy houseguest and understands that we have to work. John took the afternoon off to watch footy with his dad. John watched, Rob slept through most of it but he’d deny it, I’m sure. 🙂
I’ve had my TM well over a year now. I use it every single day. John’s mum had a fall and broke something yesterday so we’re not sure what’s going to happen. He doesn’t ever want to go home. 🙂 I’ll get yelled at though, I think he’s gained 10 pounds.
These cinnamon rolls are dangerous, Maureen. I’ve only made them once and was embarrassed at how quickly they disappeared — and my recipe doesn’t sound nearly as good as yours. I’d have to make them only when I have houseguests — and, even then, when the guests are actually here and not one moment before they arrive! Nonetheless, I’m going to file this recipe away. They sound too good not to. 🙂
I know exactly what you mean, John. I’m wearing two of them on my backside right now!
Hunger the size of a Volkswagen? LOL VWs are not that big, you should have said Mercedes or is it suppose to be an idiom which I have missed until now? Sounds funny though. ^.^
hm Cinnamon rolls. I forgot about those since we never get to buy them here. In europe you ll have boxes full in each bakery shop. I ll let you know if I get a chance to try your recipe.
He’s not a very big man. 🙂
These would be very dangerous in my house because I know who would eat most of them. 🙂
I know just what you mean! (I’ll confess that I tossed half a pan in the bin)
LOL, my family has never complained that something is too sweet! I think I’ve cultivated some sugar monsters! Your cinnamon rolls look amazing…either my son or hubby request every week or so. I’m going to make a cinnamon monkey bread soon so they can get their fix 🙂
Cinnamon monkey bread? I think that will be next on my list. 🙂
Yes, these cinnamon rolls make me moan by just looking at them! I’ll have one for dessert tonight and another one for breakfast tomorrow, please!
That’s just what I did and now I have one cinnamon roll on my left butt cheek and one on the right. 🙂
Ooooohhhhh…. I wish I would have these for breakfast tomorrow morning. I haven’t had a cinnamon roll in YEARS! These look delightful!
They were very good but I don’t think it’s possible to eat these often 🙂
These cinnamon rolls are calling out my name. Simply love it!
I knew they were calling something 🙂
I’ve heard about this recipe been the bomb but keep getting distracted and haven’t made it yet. Gonna have to soon, and I know I can palm a few off to Daisy to devour 😛
Yeah.. and I’m sure Never Too Sweet Daisy can find room. 🙂
Oh my goodness they look so delicious, my daughter has been begging me to make cinnamon swirls again and looking at yours I am very very tempted 🙂
As long as you have a lot of people to eat them, I’d go for it. 🙂 You can make them the night before and after shaping put them in the fridge and then go from the fridge to the oven in the morning.
Please don’t make me make them!!! No, nooooooo…. these look divine, I love the photo of them before baked, very pretty. Only to be made when feeding the 5000 or I know exactly where they’d end up… in my tum!
WOW WOW WOW, I am doing some serious drooling, these look amazing Maureen!
They certainly look like a 20!
They were pretty to look at. Better to eat. 🙂
These are some serious cinnamon rolls…I love it! I have a sweet tooth so when I say somthing is too sweet I feel like I’m having an outer body experience. Why the heck would I say that? Hehe.
LOL I must remember that outer body experience when it comes to food. 🙂 Is that the same as orgasmic? I think it might be.
These rolls are to lick every single finger of both hands — and the plate as well…Here is 8:30 pm and seeing these pictures made me want to eat cinnamon rolls. Totally your fault, Maureen!
I accept full responsibility!
Cinnamon rolls are very high up there on my weakness chart, I just can’t say no to them.. ever! Swooning at your post!
Hi Pamela and thanks so much for the comment. I can say no after my first one but once the sugar rush is over I’m back picking at another one. 🙂
Maureen, these look so good! I want to lick the screen. You said moan factor 15? I’ll take it!!! I have a sweet tooth the size of a Bentley and I am a Cinnabon Junkie. I am making these for sure.
Oh you’ll love these then!
Ohh, yes please!! These look awesome!
Maureen – you made these perfectly – so beautifully!! Perfect rolls. This Thermomix machine or whatever you call it, sounds amazing. We have a Spanish intern at the office who has talked about it at length. Sounds like a bread maker – is it more?
At the risk of sounding like Ron Popeil – it chops, and grinds and mills and cooks and steams and whips.
I use my thermomix every day. I mill the flour for bread, I use it to chop nuts, herbs, garlic, I can sautee onions or make custard while I’m folding laundry. It looks like a blender with a steamer basket on top. I have a photo on my blog somewhere on the day I got mine over a year ago.
If someone robbed me, it would be the first thing I’d replace. 🙂
WOW – I’m looking into trying to find one here!
I want to make these for Christmas breakfast..Will it work if I make them on Christmas eve afternoon/night and refrigerate to bake on Christmas morning? Or just leave it out to continue proving overnight?
Or wake up early to make them on Christmas morning?
What do you think? Thanks!
I’ve made them at night and after the first rise made the rolls and put them in the fridge. In the morning I took them out and brought to room temperature and then baked once they were risen to my liking. Good luck and Merry Christmas!
Absolutely scrum deli icious!!!! Especially with a few pecans and raisins added for good measure. Thanks a ton.
Thanks, Courtney and I’m so glad you stopped by!
do you have a US conversion of this recipe
Hi Helen, do you have a Thermomix in the US? This recipe was written for use in a Thermomix that has scales.
Delicious! A definite crowd pleaser. Thank you for sharing!
Omg… these should be illegal. AMAZING!
So happy to have found this, as an Aussie TMX owner who was wanting to make american style cinnamon scrolls – this looks perfect!! Cant wait till TMX gets properly introduced in america, I think they will go mad for it!! How did you come across yours? I am so in love w mine, they are hugely popular in Australia!
btw, I am planning to make this the night before… if I take it out of the fridge to ‘re rise’ an hour before baking, do you think will be ok?
Hi Kate, I’m an American living on the Sunshine Coast. Doesn’t everyone here have one? 🙂 I think you’ll be fine rising in the morning. Good luck!
I just made a batch of these and the family devoured them in one sitting. So delicious, if you haven’t made a batch of these yet you don’t know what you’re missing out on. Really easy to make and mouth watering, thank you
Can I make them and freeze them and use a few days later.
Yes you can. They won’t be as spectacular but they’ll be fine. I’d probably freeze them unbaked and bake them off just before I wanted to serve them and then they’d be perfect. Good luck, Pippa!
My favourite scrolls ever and they also keep really well. I usually won’t eat bread based yummiest after a day because they don’t taste the same, but these retain their moisture. I’ve been putting dates, nuts, and Cardamom into the filling, ground in the thermomix.