Coconut Macaroon Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwiches
Prep time
Cook time
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These ice cream sandwiches are easy peasy. Even the kids could make these.
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Australian
Serves: 3
  • 2 cups dessicated coconut
  • ½ cup caster (super fine) sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  1. Pre-heat oven to 320°F (160° C)
  2. Mix all ingredients together
  3. divide into 6 portions
  4. shape using an egg ring and smooth with the back of a spoon
  5. bake for 10 to 12 minutes until edges are nicely caramelized
  6. Match the macaroons by size and turn one upside down and place one scoop of ice cream on it and place the other macaroon right side up on top and gently press down til the ice cream reaches the edges.
  7. You should freeze them for a few hours if you can stand it, but we always eat them right away and use lots of napkins for the drips.
Recipe by Orgasmic Chef at