Rare Rump Roast
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I love rare roast beef and I love it sliced thinly in sandwiches on nice crusty rolls the day after.
Recipe type: Main
Serves: 6
  • 3 lb. rump roast
  • 1 lg clove garlic sliced thinly
  • 8 springs thyme
  • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
  1. Tie roast to make the size uniform so it cooks evenly.
  2. Place roast in a sealable plastic bag and place the garlic slices and thyme on top of it and pour the balsamic vinegar over the top.
  3. Marinate overnight.
  4. Place in oven at 160F and leave it there for 4 hours for rare roast beef. 4½ hours for medium rare. If you like your beef well done, don't use this method.
  5. After removing the roast from the oven, sear it on all sides in a very hot pan with a small amount of vegetable oil then set aside for 15 minutes.
  6. The roast will be pink from edge to edge.
Recipe by Orgasmic Chef at https://orgasmicchef.recipes/rare-rump-roast/