Dry rub (your favorite rub or one from the supermarket will do but make sure it has a LOT of garlic. I used garlic powder and Pappy's Cajun Spice today)
BBQ sauce (use your favorite)
Preheat the oven to 425F/220C
Cut each slab in half and sprinkle the dry rub over them.
Cut 6 pieces of foil and wrap the ribs, following the contour of the bones so the bones won't poke through the foil. We don't want holes.
Place the 6 packages in the oven for an hour.
Remove from the oven and drain the packages and slather bbq sauce over the ribs
Rewrap in foil and leave for 10-15 minutes for the sauce to soak in
Slice and serve
I'd serve these with potato salad and cole slaw and maybe some bbq beans.
Recipe by Orgasmic Chef at https://orgasmicchef.recipes/super-simple-and-mouthwatering-ribs/