I’m still here and I’m still dizzy but it’s not benign positional vertigo that I suffered with for years. Who knew you could have all sorts of dizzy? Not me! Seems that when the physios worked on my neck, there is a thing called cervical vertigo that will go away once they get the nasty bits sorted. I repeat my earlier advice of don’t sit in your chair for hours on end, for days on end or you’ll end up with a messed up spine from head to bottom.
If anyone wanted to make a breakfast I would really love, it would be breakfast fried potatoes or home fries with onions, red and green peppers (capsicum), a sprinkle of grated cheddar cheese and topped with a fried egg. Toast would be nice but it’s not necessary for me.
Recently, before the dizzy, I received a gorgeous bright red Chasseur cast iron skillet from Your Home Depot along with a digital thermometer. I’ve been so unwell that cooking anything was problematic and cooking something good enough for that skillet was next to impossible. When the world is tilted and twirling, nothing works right.
With the help of my delightful phyiotherapist, I’m getting better, although too slowly for my liking. I got up this morning and I decided that I didn’t want one more bite of take away food. That’s what my friend Madonna calls cooking. She’s been really kind to me but while she can cook quite well, she doesn’t enjoy it like you and I do. We’ve been doing the, “It’s 7pm, what would you like for me to go out and get for you for dinner?”
Today I wanted breakfast potatoes and nothing was going to keep me from it. The dizziness is down to what you might remember having as motion sickness. It’s disgusting but the world is not moving when I open my eyes. Win! I knew if I could make the potatoes I adore, I could photograph it thanks to auto-focus.
To cut down on the time it takes to go from raw potato to fork in mouth, I microwave my potatoes for about 5 minutes in this terracotta covered pot that’s made just for cooking potatoes. The pot absorbs the moisture from the potato and it’s dry when it comes out. I have this dish well worked out. I put the potatoes in the microwave while I chop the onions and peppers and by the time I get that done and cleaned up, the potatoes get put on a cutting board to cool a bit.
While the potatoes are cooling, I saute the onions and peppers with some salt and when they’re nice and soft, I park them in a bowl and then cube and cook the potatoes in a small amount of oil. When they’re nearly done I scoop out the potatoes into the onions and wipe the pan and toss it all back in. Sprinkle some cheese and into the oven under the broiler/griller just to melt the cheese.
I cook the eggs while the cheese is melting and then pop them on top and eat. I ate enough of this that I won’t have to eat again all day.
The Chasseur cast iron frying pan was a real winner. I have a couple of other cast iron frying pans but they aren’t anywhere near as smooth as this one. I just love it. It’s heavy and holds the heat so well and went from stove top to the oven without a care.
Thanks to Your Home Depot for sending me these great toys. If you’re in Australia, Your Home Depot is a great place to get top quality kitchen gear at very good prices. I’ve been ordering from them for years and I’ve never been disappointed.
For those of you who are thinking it, two things. Yes, I could live at Denny’s for breakfast and I can buy off the back page too. Love me anyway.
- 2 large potatoes
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 1 piece of red capsicum (bell pepper) chopped
- 1 piece of green capsicum (bell pepper) chopped
- ¼ cup vegetable oil
- 2 eggs
- salt and pepper
- Wash potatoes and microwave for 5 minutes then place on cutting board to cool.
- In a skilled over medium heat, saute the onion and capsicum with a sprinkle of salt in a small amount of oil until the onions soft and translucent - set aside.
- Add all but a teaspoon of oil to the hot skillet
- Preheat griller/broiler in the oven to 200c/400f
- Cube potatoes (no need to peel) and add to the skillet over medium heat. Sprinkle with salt to your liking. Stir frequently to brown on all sides.
- Remove cooked potatoes to the bowl with the onions and mix well.
- Drain oil and wipe out skillet and return potatoes, onions and capsicum to the skillet and sprinkle over the cheddar cheese. Place under griller.broiler just until the cheese is melted..
- While cheese is melting, heat another skillet and add the teaspoon of reserved oil and fry the eggs to your level of doneness, sunnyside up or flipped, both work fine. Season with salt and pepper.
- When the cheese is melted, remove the skillet from the oven and place the cooked eggs on top.
Oh Maureen, you got me craving this. I have a thing for eggs and potatoes together, just like the Tomatoes & Basil thing. So strange how those two are just made for each other, like soulmates . I hope that makes sense, and I really hope you are felling back to being 100% soon ! xo’s
I’m glad you’re feeling better. Take out food that someone else orders for you …. I wouldn’t mind that to be honest. Though not as a regular thing.
It does sound like you’ve got the meal down to a science with the microwaved potatoes etc. Love the cute pot. I have a non-stick frying pan that I’m quite fond of and take good care of … not quite as fancy as your cast iron beauty but it’s pretty nice. Great meal too.
Take out food is okay for a day or two but after that, forget it. I want vegetables and something not deep fried.
I hope you get better soon!
I tried home fries when I was in the US – they’re delicious!
I love the terracotta potato pot. I’ve never seen that before.
I bought the pot in a shop in Montville years ago. I love it.
Oh Maureen , I hope you get better quick. Years ago , when I had vertigo I had some exercises that helped. If you are interested let me know. I hope I can find them again.
I would love to have some of your breakfast potatoes right now . What a brilliant idea to put the potatoes in a terra cotta dish to microwave them.
Good to hear you’re feeling better

I’d love to have these breakfast potatoes and eggs! I have a thing for savoury breakfasts, though we usually eat bread and jam (my OH doesn’t eat savoury brekkies)… Which is why I end up stuffing myself with baked potatoes, omelets, bacon and sausages each time they have a buffet breakfast at a hotel!
I’m chuckling to myself because the other day I was wishing SO HARD for a Denny’s.
I just wanted a huge breakfast fry up and endless cups of coffee in this thick, white chipped mugs.
I knew someone would relate. I had bacon and waffles for 4th of July breakfast today and I’m making corndogs for lunch!
You’re laughing, I can tell. I might even break down and make funnel cakes too.
Maureen, that sounds tough what you’re going through. So happy that you’re gradually on the mend but take it easy. This pan looks wonderful but if it’s heavy please be careful. Wishing you a speedier recovery and lots of delicious breakfasts like this one. I’ve never had potatoes and peppers for breakfast and sounds a real taste awakener! Take care x
Now THATis a gorgeous pan! I absolutely love the fire engine red! I’m not familiar with the brand but I adore that it’s made in France! Worth EVERY penny! about 14 years ago we changed out ALL our pans for French cast and enamel cast and I haven’t looked back!
I’m so sorry that you’re not well, dizziness is terrible and I do hope you will recover quickly. My shins tend to seize up after sitting for prolonged periods so I need to force myself to get up and stretch them out. And I usually need to pee???
Beautiful breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Hope you’re feeling better
Hi Maureen! Nice to meet you! I discovered your blog via RecipeTinEats! This energy breakfast caught my eye…. now I’m craving potatoes and eggs. Also, I loved that you shared your entire cooking process – so efficient! I’m a sucker for tips like that – never seen a terracotta pot like that before for the microwave (never would have imagined to use it that way) – and next time I come across one, I’ll keep that in mind!!
love from Buenos Aires,
Felicia! Any friend of Nagi’s is a friend of mine. Lovely to meet you and I can’t wait to visit your blog.
This looks so good Maureen! I love beeakfast
Oh Maureen – I’m so sorry you’re having all these troubles. : (
First John with his heart and now you with this mess. Stress is adding to this. Please rest and relax and take good care of yourself. – M.
Your breakfast does look yummy.
Lovely to see you here with such a tempting brekkie – just my sort – take care Maureen and hope things are on the improve.
Maureen, glad to hear that you are slowly getting better… make sure you get lots of rest… there is nothing worse than being dizzy!!! Especially if you are in pain. Love the sound of this breakfast dish. And such lovely photos!
I wish you were recovering faster, but as you know, sometimes we must dance to the music – and that might mean dancing a little slower
I know you will be in top shape soon, I am sure of it! Keep the smile….
(I am drooling over your cast iron pan…)
hey gorgeous girl, looks fab & I’m soooo glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. xx
Eggs and potato is one of my favourites meal ! In Spain, sometimes we can put chorizo Inside or the littles pièces of jambon Serrano, is just gorgeous ! This is a very nice breakfast and I like your “chasseur poêle” !
Is that what it is??
Maureen, I am SO happy to see you back on your blog. You know I’ve been mighty worried about you. The whole vertigo thing has thrown me, I had no idea and haven’t even heard of it before in the context of the problems you’re having.
I love your will for these breakfast potatoes. No THAT’S the Maureen I know! N x
You poor thing Maureen although I’m glad that you’re feeling a little better or at least well enough to whip this up. Love the way you’ve got the recipe so mastered. I agree, with potatoes for breakfast I toast is a bit out of place.
Glad you’re feeling better! That skillet is really pretty — lucky you! But what I’m really lusting over is the terracotta pot that you used to microwave the potatoes. Love that idea! Have you tried cutting the potatoes into cubes and microwaving them that way? I’ll bet it’d work, then you wouldn’t need to let them cool a bit before cutting them. Anyway, I love potatoes for breakfast too. And toast is optional. Although biscuits? Hard to resist those.
Goodness. Maureen! You deserve this delicious breakfast for sure! Hope you are up to par soon. Thanks for the microwave tip for the potatoes. Very smart!
Oh, Maureen, if I lived closer I’d bring you food. My husband is the same. Some years ago I was dreadfully ill and bed-bound for about 2 weeks. We all ate take-aways or sausages and eggs for the duration. I think it was the desire for an actual meal that gave me the strength to get out of bed.
I adore potatoes, so this dish is calling my name!
I know what you mean and since I got up and made those potatoes, I do feel better. I think it was eating good food.
Hi Maureen, I’m glad you’re feeling better, better enough to cook something delicious for yourself. My husband Matt “cooks” dinner in exact the same way and although he tries to make good choices most of the time, sometimes after 3 days in bed I just have to cook, even if I can’t taste anything. I know it’s different when it’s not just a cold… PS I saw this post this morning and it so happened that I already had cooked potato cubes in the fridge leftover from mash the other night. Potato and eggs made perfect sense. Thank you for sharing – keep getting better dear friend.
Sounds like you are on the road to recovery Maureen. Breakfast is my most favorite meal of the day, love everything about this.
Flamin heck Maureen, you sure have had a rough trot. If I lived closer I’d bring food, booze and Disney to cheer you up. I heart this feed, we often eat this on a Saturday morning, I think way tastier having potato rather than a slice of bread and we have bacon in place of the capsicum. You are a purest!
Sending you happy healing thoughts. Enjoy your weekend. x
Oh you poor thing still feeling out of sorts. You know this is my sort of hangover comfort food – but maybe with a little chilli thrown in with the onions. I love your terracotta pot for the microwave
Maureen, breakfast is my fave meal and this is perfect! Eggs and potatoes works every time, any time of the day. I’ve suffered with vertigo also, no fun so take it easy and feel better soon!
Oh Maureen, I sure hope you feel 100% soon! I’m normally not a savory breakfast person but these potatoes look too good to resist ;).
O my dear, Maureen!!! I am so sorry that you are still not feeling well. Keep resting and working with your physiotherapist. Hopefully it won’t be much longer. I love your breakfast skillet! It is just the kind of hearty breakfast that I crave. XOXO
I’m sorry to hear your journey to wellness has been taking so long. I really was hoping you had made a much more rapid recovery. It does seem you have had more than your share of health battles this year. Drew has a terrific collection of takeaway menus. I think your potato and egg dish is something that can be enjoyed any time of the day xx
I know. I was discouraged at first but every day gets a bit better. 4th of July today and I’m celebrating with an American who’s from Chicago. All American food around here today!
I LOVE that spud pot! Going to have to find me one of them I think. Have’t heard of neither Home Depot nor Denny’s, might have a look at HD as I find retailers just don’t have the range or quality, BIG W is about the best local retailer we have! Recipe sounds like a great supper or can’t be bothered dinner/breaky. Thanks.
Denny’s is a restaurant chain in the US that’s open 24-7. The back page is for seniors. The day I turned old enough to order from the back page of Denny’s my husband who loves me, made sure to add that to my birthday card.
That’s what you get when you choose a younger man.
So sorry to hear your vertigo is rearing its ugly head again. I will keep you in my prayers.
Your breakfast potatoes with eggs looks divine. Love your new skillet too!
I’m so glad you’re feeling better Maureen. This looks like my kind of breakfast. And now I need to find one of those potato cooking pots. Brilliant!
I always thought you were a bit dizzy and loved that about you (always such fun comments!). But not good knowing it’s actually a real problem. I do work at a desk but I get up and down a lot but still…I need a good cracking about now I think. I hope your work results in better health very soon…we want you back! Take care…and I mean it!
Oh Wow, is there a Denny’s in Australia now? I really like their Pancakes with various fruit toppings. Maureen, that must be dreadful feeling dizzy- I get motion sickness just looking at boats that are anchored on shore. Hope you feel better soon!
No, but don’t these potatoes remind you of Denny’s???
I love these type of hearty and filling breakfasts, especially on the weekends. I’m glad you are feeling better, and I hope you continue to improve!
Whoah that terracotta pot for microwaving potatoes is a genius idea! Will have to keep an eye out for that. Such a timesaver!
Maureen, I hope you’ll be better soon and get rid of this nasty situation you are in, but I’m happy that you are feeling a little better dear. You are absolutely right, take outs food are not good longer than may be 5 days, then you get bored and you really crave good food. Loved your breakfast.
Wow a pot for cooking potatoes? I’m intrigued by that idea and it sounds so clever. I usually avoid buying one purpose items but this is different!
That is JUST the sort of brekkie I love Maureen! Especially as I can use my own hen’s free-range eggs too! Get well soon……Karen
I sure hope you are feeling better soon. Feeling dizzy is the worst!! Take care of yourself and I look forward to you coming back in moderation. In the meantime that pan and the gorgeous eggy breakfast both look fabulous!!
Well this is a good way to start your day! My type of breakfast
I hope you feel better soon!
It seems like you have making breakfast down to a science! And that terracotta pot! I think I need that! I never knew a thing like that even existed!
This is my typical breakfast back home. Feel so homesick now!
One of our favorite breakfasts!!! Great way to break in a new skillet.
Ugh, I’m sorry you’re still dealing with vertigo. Makes it tough to do about anything. Glad this batch of comfort food came about—Bill would be overjoyed to eat these potatoes and eggs any time of day! Take good care, my friend. xo
I’d say that this breakfast was so pretty it made me dizzy, except you might not think that was funny. Feel better XOGREG
Okay this made me laugh. xxoo
Who doesn’t love fast, hearty, American brekkie? Potato and eggs are a great brekkie team!
Julie & Alesah
Gourmet Getaways xx
So very, very sorry you are having problems Maureen. Nothing worse than feeling bad for a long time. Praying for a speedy recovery! Maybe more breakfasts like this will help
It looks wonderful!
Hope your dizziness goes away soon, for an active person like you it sure must be very frustrating to not able to function normally.
Know what you mean by too many days of take-out food. Your eggs and potatoes dish is making me hungry, so glad you were able to put it together and enjoy.
Lovin’ that skillet! Red is my favorite kitchen color.
Glad you are feeling well enough to tough it out for a real meal, but do hope you are back on your feet with a zip really soon. I have a skillet breakfast post coming this week … great minds, and stomachs, and all.
Maureen, so sorry about the vertigo. My neck needs some work right now, or I’m headed where you are myself! Love that little potato pot; I’ve never seen one before. That’s a meal I’d be happy with as well, but make my eggs scrambled.
That looks like my kind of breakfast Maureen. Hope you are feeling better soon. Xx
Maureen – I so admire your spirit! You’ve up cooking delectable pairings like these eggs and bell peppers and potatoes and onions inspite of your dizziness! Lady you rock! Hope you feel better soon! xx
now thats my kind of breakfast. Wow, my husband would love this and so would I. Hearty and delicious.
Ugh, I am so sorry about the dizzies! I do hope the world stops spinning, stat. And your perfect breakfast is pretty much mine too, so you just relax on the sofa while I whip us up some taters and eggs in your beautiful new skillet. And I’ll have mine with toast. =)
Wise words of advice, Maureen…And so sorry you had to deal with the dizzies and spine challenges…My chiropractor warned my husband a month ago about needing to take breaks, too….Speaking of my husband, perhaps you were born under the same star. Your ideal breakfast minus the cheese would have him smiling for a week!. (Of course, anything with eggs makes me happy.) Stay well!
THAt is the best, best,best type of breakfast ever. I can live on it. My mouth is watering gallons as I look at it….
This is one of my favorite breakfasts! Whenever I make roasted potatoes for dinner I usually make extra so I can throw them into a breakfast dish like this, but it’s a brilliant idea to pre-microwave the potatoes so that breakfast doesn’t take forever to cook if I don’t have leftover potatoes.
Dear Maureen
Thanks for the excellent tip about using the terracotta pot for potatoes, now I need to find one. But I love your one-liners – “to cut down on the time it takes to go from raw potato to fork in mouth” – classic!!
Sunny side up eggs ALWAYS catch my eye
Stay strong Maureen! I know that you will get better, you just have to believe that you can. I am all about saving time on my feet and your helpful hints are brilliant and I know my boys will love it. You don’t have to respond back, just please take care of yourself and rest.
Nice. Like it. But I might try to finish this in a skillet without an oven. Just crack the egg on top of everything and sprinkle with cheese. Might seem a bit messy, but guess it is yummy too.
Yikes, I’m sorry to hear about the dizziness and extremely impressed that you were able to make AND photograph this delicious dish despite it! Impressive!
This is exactly like my favorite breakfast that I have on my blog! I used to get something almost identical to this at a Greek style diner after a night of clubbing. I always pigged out on that skillet! I’m so sorry you weren’t feeling well
So glad to hear you are finally out of the funk!
I hope you are feeling better Maureen! You’ve managed to make such a gorgeous breakfast despite the dizzies. I could eat this for lunch and dinner too.
I’m so… happy you’re feeling a bit better!! Yeah!! I could eat this meal for breakfast lunch and/or dinner – it looks fabulous and I LOVE your pretty new pan!
Those home fries look like they can cure anything! I really hope you’re feeling better. New kitchen toys always have me excited to try new recipes.
I’m so sorry to hear about your vertigo…it is hard to do anything when everything is spinning. Your breakfast potatoes and eggs looks just like what my husband fixed for us this weekend, minus the cheese. Your cast iron skillet and potato pot are great additions to your kitchen.
Sorry to hear your not doing too well Maureen.. hope you feel better soon. I wouldn’t mind these potatoes and eggs for breakfast too! They look pretty comforting, hearty and delicious. Just what is needed right now!
I NEED these in my life! They look so flavor-filled, yet so simple to whip together for a quick breakfast! I LOVE that this is most vegetables; lately, I have been really cooking with lots of different veggies, mostly cuz’ my garden is mass producing squash and tomatoes
GREAT recipe!
Maureen, I’m so happy to hear they’ve located the source of your dizziness and praying that it will go away completely. Your breakfast looks like the perfect comfort food to bolster your spirit! Love that lil’ terra cotta cooker and the color of your new skillet.
Being dizzy all the time must be just horrible. I am glad you managed to stay upright long enough to make this breakfast – it looks delectable.
This is seriously my kind of breakfast! I love it
Damn Maureen!!! I have had a run of vertigo in the past and now and again I get it again. It’s awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sorry to hear it. Potatoes and eggs are a staple in my single life—it’s sometimes called breakfast, but more often than not it’s call dinner. You cook your eggs JUST like I like them and I’m picky!
Oh my kind of breakfast Maureen!! Sorry to hear you’re still not feeling well.
Oh how I hate vertigo! I’m so sorry it’s lingered for you, darling, hope you’re well and truly on the mend now. And now I want breakfast potatoes! They look DIVINE! xxx
I saw the physio again today and if the pain she caused is any indication, I need a bit more work on my upper back.
I feel immensely better. I walked today with no pain for the first time in recent memory. Cool.
Perfectly delicious, this is my kind of dish Maureen. I love your pan and I am sorry to hear your back is not good, rest easy and I hope it improves for you. Thanks for this breakfast inspiration
Oh I am so sorry to hear about your dizziness, hope you feel better soon! Having back/spine problems is always scary, hopefully your doctor will help out! Those potatoes look delicious by the way. I love how you sped up the cooking process with the microwave, that’s a great tip for a quicker breakfast.
Poor Maureen, what a horrible sensation to have to suffer. Hope you are well on the road to recovery.
Meanwhile, bookmarking this tasty breakfast for the weekend. Microwaving the tatties is a great shortcut (love the terracotta pot too)
I am so so glad you are feeling much better. I hate the feeling of dizziness, the vertigo is not fun at all. I had vertigo when I used to do Bikram yoga, suffered for a month. Goodness, I’ll never do hot yoga. It gets better, no hard movements or bending.
By the way, love this potatoes and egg, could eat it anytime.
Vertigo sounds terrible! I hope you feel better soon! Love the looks of these potatoes, they sound easy enough that I could do them in a pre-caffeinated/zombie state
This is the most perfect breakfast for me, I just love it!! I would have eggs anyday!!
Oh man, I’m so sorry that you’re got this vertigo thing going on. I’m a big baby when it comes to motion sickness feelings so I can’t imagine anything worse than that. That being said, your prowess as a chef definitely comes to the forefront seeing that you can make such a gorgeous breakfast skillet when you don’t feel well. I’m so, so impressed.
“Down” to motion sickness???? That still sounds horrible! I’m glad you could power through and treat yourself to some delicious comfort food. That pan is just gorgeous!
Thanks for the warning about not sitting my chair for hours on end. That’s what I do, slumped over my computer, typing, and it’s definitely starting to take its toll. My husband was having really bad back problems and he just got a standing desk, which has made a huge difference. Anyway, I hope you feel back to new soon. And as for the potatoes and eggs – I love it, especially with the cheese!
Get well, Maureen. I’m glad you were able to be on your feet long enough to make a comfort food breakfast for yourself. Perhaps you will have a different work/computer setup in the future— I know I’m overdue to make the switch to a better office chair and sit/stand desk.
These breakfast eggs look delicious! Love cooking with my skillet. Definitely going to try your recipe soon!
Wow poor you hope you are feeling better now slowly but surely. Those pans are gorgeous, I am jealus, and lovely breakfast recipe.
That is breakfast i need right now.