I know I’ve told you that I’ve been unwell but I haven’t told many people what the problem is. Frankly, the food police were right. Some of my recipes are a heart attack waiting to happen. My doctor says that’s not necessarily the case but when you have a blog called the Orgasmic Chef and you feature recipes with butter, cream and sugar, you have to be ready for what will be said.
A few weeks ago I woke up with chest pains and made an appointment to see my doctor who gave me an electrocardiogram and then freaked out and asked me when I had had a heart attack.
“Never,” I said.
“Oh yes you have,” she said.
Fast forward through an ambulance trip to the hospital and lying around being stuck, poked and prodded for what seemed an eternity, they let me go home with the strict requirement that I get an echo stress test and visit my GP the next morning.
I wasn’t having a heart attack that day according to the blood tests. They think it’s costochondritis probably brought on by a virus but it feels like a heart attack and doesn’t go away for up to 2 months. “Rest,” they say.
So because of the previous heart attack I’m off to a vascular surgeon tomorrow and Thursday to have my arteries investigated as it appears one or more are blocked. Yes, with butter. Then it’s the stress test on the 11th of October. It was supposed to be last week but they sent me home because they’d scheduled the wrong test. oops.
To the food police – go ahead, let me have it but please do it publicly in comments. I won’t reply to mean emails.
John wants me to relax and he loses the plot if I sit at the computer for any time at all. To keep from hearing, “I don’t want you to die” (again), I’ve been doing as I’ve been told. I’m fine, really. Life WILL change for me though. More exercise, more fruit, more veg and more time away from work is the plan.
Last week he packed me in the car and we went off to the Carnival of Flowers in Toowoomba. Toowoomba is known as the Garden City and the Carnival of Flowers is when the entire city is decked out in floral beauty. We drove through the valley and up Mt. Glorious and had a fantastic day.
There are more than 50 public gardens to see plus many private gardens are open to the public during this week. There’s food, music and fun for the kids too. We’ve decided that next year we’re going to spend a couple of days there. I was very impressed.
I miss you all so much I can’t stand it. I’ve gone from working 12 to 16 hours a day to next to nothing and I’m bored to tears. After the first day of doing nothing I inquired if that was enough rest. I was told that wasn’t funny.
No, I am not part of the food police and feel that you are going to overcome this hurdle without being nagged publicly or privately!
Please, take care of yourself and REST. I know it is scary to have this type of news from a doctor, but you know what? Glad you had this wake up call and you can act and improve your situation
Thinking of you!
Oh Sally, you’d never be the food police! I know you eat healthy stuff.
Oh my Maureen, I am so sorry to hear of your health issues, I’m sending positive thoughts your way. I’ve always been a vegetable and fruit eater but JT not so much. Years ago his doctor wanted to put him on cholesterol lowering meds and he decided to try to control it himself through diet; he eats a lot of vegetables and makes himself oatmeal every morning; there has been no more talk of cholesterol meds!
My friend T recently changed her life and lost nearly 30lbs! She is now off of ALL her meds! She walks about 5 miles every day or works out a gym, she’ll be 60 in November and looks like 50!
I have a page on my blog that talks about heathy eating habits, do drop by and take a look. I’m just glad that it was just a wake up call for you. We don’t want you to die either. XOXO
Aww, thanks, Eva. I’ll go check that page!
Do take care of yourself. You might want to look into one of those treadmill desks – the treadmill’s speed is a very slow walk, so you can can some exercise while surfing the web. I’ve not used one (or even seen one in person) but I’ve read they work pretty well. As for diet, I always read loads of good things about a Mediterranean diet (little meat, loads of fish, complex carbs from fresh veggies, fruit, and dried legumes, olive oil, etc etc). You can still cook orgasmically – just with a different accent.
Thanks, John. I have a treadmill but not a fancy one that surfs the web. What a clever idea. I’m not sure I can type while walking but we’ll see.
Hi Maureen, yikes! That’s a bit of a shocker! Hope you recover your health very soon. Enjoy your time off. It sounds like such relaxation is a novelty in your life. Once you get used to the changes in your lifestyle and diet, I cannot wait to see what gorgeous creations you come up with when you give fruit and vegetables an orgasmic chef makeover.
Maureen, I hadn’t expected that I would read THIS when I clicked on your blog today. OH…the first and foremost thing for you is to take care of your health as a top priority! Hope you’ll get well soon, dear Orgasmic Chef! We all love your food!!
My husband was were you are three years ago, I assure you butter was not the cause! Be cautious in how you go forward, there is tons of conflicting information out there, and while docs mean well, they can be wrong about diet. :/ You are on the right track with exercise and increasing vegetables, but you’ll need some healthy fats to absorb the fat soluable nutrients. I won’t press you will all that, but if you’d like to chat as you journey, let me know.
Prayers, well wishes, and all that goes with concern for those we care about heading your way.
Oh my dear, please do take care and really sorry to hear that you are going through it. My wishes are with you.
Glad you are taking care of it and all’s gonna be well. xxx
Sorry to hear you’ve been prodded and poked by doctors and just generally miserable the last few weeks. I’ve missed catching up with your posts but I’m happy to hear you are being looked after. I’m sure it won’t be long before you’re back making orgasmic food in the kitchen with or without butter it doesn’t really matter x
Pleased to hear you being positive about it all Maureen. Don’t worry there is an enjoyable life without butter, it’s just different. My wife is a GP and her theory is she’d rather go of a heart attack than spend 30 years with dementia. Interesting dilemma!
Take care my lovely friend, get lots of rest, look after yourself (!) and keep in touch, if you have a moment. This storm will pass, but not before you sail the smooth waters of boredom.
Take care of you first and foremost. I will miss you and your blog and recipes. But I know you will be back. I feel it in my bones.
And I agree totally with Judy @Savoring Today 100%. She writes words of wisdom and experience.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and put your name on my masseuse’s Prayer Circle. I swear it helped my back to heal in 2001. Very Powerful.
Oh Maureen, I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had to a) go through being through poked and prodded and b) suffer the misery that is rest being imposed on an active mind. Might be the time to indulge in reading a few books maybe? At least you live in exactly the right place for access to beautiful fruit and veg, and have the kind of climate that is great for exercise. You’ll be back to good in no time
Thinking of you, Maureen! I hope you take time to rest and take care of yourself. xo!
Thanks Laura, I’m being good!
You get mean emails? That’s a disgrace. I’ve been missing you so much, Maureen and you’re always on my mind. I can’t believe you went all the way to hospital only to get there and find they’d prepped you for the wrong test. Oh actually, I can believe it – the health system is on its knees. Anyway, it looks like you had a beautiful day out and I love how there’s the promise of a few days away there next year – that’s the sort of rest that’s very therapeutic. I wish I could send you some healthy but orgasmic meals! Best wishes and give me a call when you’re up to it! xx
Oh Charlie I’m fine. I’m looking out at the sunshine and the water and the soft breezes with my little dog by my side. We’re going for a drive today to see if Dan the Mango Man is open yet. John’s dad is craving mangoes.
Oh Maureen, I’m so sorry to hear what’s been keeping you absent and unwell. What an awful experience. And, frankly, the so called food police should go and sit in a corner because you are accompanied by a great many others with heart difficulties – most common thing worldwide, as we know – and it would be mean indeed to point fingers (and this said by someone who eats a mostly vegan diet). I hope you’re feeling better soon!
I know you eat a very heart healthy diet. I’ll spend more time with you.
I’m very happy to hear that John is keeping you in line. You rest up please Maureen!
I’m sure you’ll come up with some equally orgasmic meals that don’t have as much butter. Who knows you could invent something amazing!
In the mean time, focus on you! xxxx
Hmmm invent something without butter. Perish the thought.
Gods speed to a happy healthy recovery Maureen … sounds like a good time to slow down and smell the roses:) Sally and Peter
or smell the feijoas
Thanks so much, Sally!
If anyone from the food police dare say something mean, I’m going to give them the biggest virtual kick and evil eye!
I’m so sorry to hear of your heart attack Maureen, what a frightening experience. I hope things go well with your upcoming tests and stress test.
Rest up, let John wait on hand and foot and just embrace the quite.
Thinking of you xo
I’m not a person who likes to be waited on. I’m much better at being the waiter onner. I’ll be fine. I just wanted people to know if I didn’t visit promptly on every new post it wasn’t because I was a slacker.
Oh my goodness Maureen, my heart is with you! I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been through all this, wow! Praying for all to go well with the upcoming tests and for your peace of mind.
Thanks, Chris. I know I’ve been slack on visiting everyone but I’ll be back to fighting fitness soon. (but with time to rest too)
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear this news, Maureen. But you CAN turn it around…and thank goodness you now have the information to make the changes you need. I know I’d have horrible trouble “resting” and behaving in the kitchen, but I’m certain this new chapter will keep you busy and productive, too.
PS…my hubby is a cardiologist, so know I can call on him if you ever have a question. xo
Thanks, Liz, I don’t have all the results yet but my carotid artery is clear. One good thing. I still have the upper limbs to do and the echo stress test and once that’s over, they’ll tell me to eat right and get more exercise. I will do as I’m told.
The resting is the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do.
I am glad you got the very painful costocoindritis because it has given you some vital information for the future . . . and I am not of the food police, just one who began changing my own mode of living gently, gently quite some time ago. Am still refining my skills
! ‘Exercise’ is a big word: there is an old rule ~ if you are lieing and can sit up: do; if you are sitting and can stand: do; if you are standing, and can walk: please do. Gentle walking and abdominal breathing – a little more each day . . . and sugar is worse than fat [yup, have been studying that stuff for 25 years and still am ] . . . all the best and the flower photos are beautiful!!
yes, more veggies are in the diet!
Mine too!! Truly all the best . . . been there, come out the other end . . .
G’day! First and foremost Maureen, hope you feel better and can cope with the slower pace soon, true!
Know the feeling first hand re rest…’in between what and what…too!
Gorgeous photos and perhaps a time out to smell the flowers was an omen on the day!
I rest for 20 minutes, then ask the question lol thanks for allowing me to laugh WITH you today…but seriously, do hope you feel better soon!
Cheers! Joanne
I’m gonna be fine, Joanne. I just need to stop working 16 hour days every day of the year.
Oh Maureen, we were all so worried about you when we heard. Thank goodness you caught it in time, imagine if it were a big heart attack and it was a surprise. Take care of yourself-we want you around for ages to come!
Thanks, Lorraine. I keep telling John that my warning was really for him. He’s started taking care of himself too and feels immensely better.
Oh Maureen! I’m so sad to hear of your health crisis. You are definitely in my prayers. You are such a sweet and kind lady- I pray you regain full health! The Carnival of Flowers is gorgeous isn’t it? We lived in Toowoomba for 6 years until 1.5 yrs ago. There’s nothing like the beauty of the mountains. Rest up! (I reckon you should just post any mean emails on your blog WITH their email address and all your devoted readers will sort them out!)
Aww, thanks so much!
Maureen, I’m so sorry to hear of your heart problems. I know you don’t like being idle but you must listen to your doctor on this. You must. What about having a movie/TV series/book marathon? Now’s the perfect time to catch up with all those things you’ve been meaning to get around to sometime that involve lying stationary on a couch or bed. Take a deep breath and get better. Christina xx
I’m not much of a tv watcher and I’m on my 3rd book. We’re going for a drive this afternoon so that will be nice to get out and laugh a bit.
So sorry to hear about your heart problems but so glad that you are in the process of doing something about it.
These flowers are gorgeous – your pictures capture the peace these flowers put out so well!
It was a lovely, peaceful day. I’m ready to do it again.
Oh Maureen! Feeling sad, though the flowers cheered me up and made my morning. I am sure you will be out and about in no time, but yes, you must rest. I am not sure that butter is the cause, but I am sure you will find your way around to healthier eating and lots of rest. Lots of hugs XOXO
I don’t know either, Minnie but I’ll do as they say until all the tests are done and they say I’m fine. Then I’ll play it by ear.
Oh you dear, amazing lady, you go ahead and eat whatever makes YOUR heart and body happy. It matters not one whit what others might think. XO I’m so glad your luv is helping you rest – though I know it must be mind-numbingly awful for a busy beaver like you.
This outing looks absolutely gorgeous and thoroughly restful for the eyes and the spirit. Wishing you deep rest, thorough healing, and lots of fun as you figure out what the best eating style is for you. 
You of all the people I know would understand what it’s like to not feel 100%. We’re both going to get through to the other side with smiles.
Maureen, I am so sorry. I will remember you in my prayers. Take care of yourself and take the extra time to catch up on reading good books,. find some great shows to take your mind off of everything. If you have Netflix, there are tons of great shows you can watch. I pray that you have a great recovery.
Thank you so much!
Maureen darling, I’m not saying we shouldn’t eat healthily (and you know we all don’t always do that), but I’ve also known superfit folks with serious heart disease. Don’t be too hard on yourself, there are only so many aspects of our health that we can influence, the remainder is down to genetics! Having said that though, I guess you have to do all the things the medicos tell you to – including rest! Take care xxx
Yeah, my father had really high cholesterol and he never weighed more than 128 pounds in his life, so it’s not always about weight. However, until they get to the bottom of it all, I’ll be limiting the butter and eating more veg and fruit and berries.
I hope you are all better very soon. It is almost a crime to say but you made a very serious topic kinda funny. You have to take care and be around longer to keep us smiling. Hang in there, the rest is essential.
LOL thanks!
So sorry that you have been poked and prodded but if it helps you overcome your health problems it is necessary. You are in good hands with your wonderful husband looking after you. With good doctors and some lifestyle changes, I believe you will return to good health. In the meantime, you have prayers from all your friends all over the world. Take care.
Thanks so much, Karen. I’ll be fine. I just don’t like feeling second best.
they are all so beautiful.; I tell my husband all the time that flowers mean more to me than any other gift.
I love flowers
not sure if my last comment went thru! I LOVE flowers and these are all so beautiful
First of all I’m very glad to see that you’re getting out and enjoying life! What a gorgeous place your loving husband chose to take you. I’m so sorry for the heart attack and related side effects and, the sudden need for a serious life change. Been there, done that. I know change is hard, but living is so much better!
My motto is “moderation, moderation, moderation”; therefore, I still slip in a little butter and fried food once in a while, but the majority of the time, I’m do good.
And just think of all of the wonderful, healthy recipes right at your fingertips! Good luck to you Darlin and look forward to hearing about your road back to health. Lots of hugs!
Eek, Maureen, what a nasty shock for you. Keep resting and take good care of yourself – and give me a call if you get bored and want a chat! xxx
I will. Only one more week of testing.
Maureen, so sorry to hear your not well, but look at the bright side, you’ve got warning signs before something more serious happened and there’s plenty you can do about it now. A bit (a lot) of rest and exercise can go a long way, just take care of yourself! Sending good thoughts to you
Isn’t it sad that we have to have disclaimers about mean emails? {sigh} Lately, I’ve read so many truly humorous and satirical articles and posts only to scroll down to the comments and wonder if anyone has a sense of humour anymore. If anyone remembers manners, and only saying nice things or nothing at all. {louder sigh}
Lady, I hope that your body will serve you well for many, many years. My personal philosophy is: this life ain’t a dress rehearsal. So live happy! Be great! And never let anyone tell you you’re doin’ it wrong…
Sending you best wishes from the shores of Nova Scotia… xox
Thank you so much and the shores of Nova Scotia must be gorgeous this time of year. Growing up in Maine, the Bluenose was the vehicle of choice to hop over for a visit.
You just get better and relax. I know I have said it countless times but I just want to make sure that you know that I am on John’s side. =P
Wooo what a unique flower garden, so very beautiful! I have seen royal gardens and they don’t compare to this one. Maybe I can change my private garden to this?
Hi Maureen, I’m sorry to hear all of this. I know you, and how strong you are (and that John will keep you to what you should be doing…just like you did with him) and you’ll get through this. Rest up and welcome this new chapter of your life.
Thanks, your Highness, for sharing those unmatched beauties with us. That garden looks and sounds like the sweetest unchained melody
You’re always in my prayers. Love you.
Sorry to hear, Maureen. You’ll get through this. Love all the colors of the garden.
Oh dear, I hadn’t realised it was that serious. As much as you might be bored out of your mind, do heed their advice and rest. There is nothing more important than your health.
Oh Maureen, so sorry to hear that you are having some health issues. Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon. That garden looks so beautiful! I would love to paint these beauties!
Hi Maureen!
What planet have I been living on I didn’t even know you weren’t feeling well. Your blog wasn’t updating in my sidebar but I thought that was because you were on vaca. Some vacation having medical type people prodding and poking. The fact of the matter, IMHO of course, is blogging can be detrimental to your health. I don’t get nearly the same amount of exercise as I did when I took that break for a while. Yes, diet is an issue too but I think John has the right idea about looking into that treadmill. I may even check it out myself.
In the mean time, listen to your body. If it says rest then you rest. And do a lot of research on your own. Sometimes, doctors get so caught up in the parlance, they forget you are actually an intelligent and resourceful person who, with the right tools, can make a comfortable lifestyle change.
LOVE the gardens of course. You take care and keep us posted, Louise
Hi Louise and you’re right. We often just know that something is wrong but we don’t trust our opinion. We wait for a doctor who doesn’t know us and who can miss warning signs.
Dear Maureen,
So sorry to hear about your health. Don’t beat yourself up about your blog or cooking. Health issues can hit anyone. Listen to your sweetheart and rest and relax. You went to a beautiful place to do so. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs!! ~ Ramona
Maureen, we should be sending YOU flowers! Thank you for the update on your health and also for the gorgeous photos from your Mt. Glorious trip. (Aptly named!) Sounds like it did your heart good — and that’s exactly what you need. Please take care.
Dear Maureen,
I totally understand your position. Definitely do not have regrets for being a wonderful chef who followed her passion for cooking delicious food. I was in that place too, and then I realized it was time for me to take a different approach to my “food style” rather than staying aligned with my former “Cook” identity. Because you’re a fabulous cook, you’ll be able to make delicious, healthy food that taste and make you feel amazing. We all love you! You are incredibly special and talented. Rest up and be extra kind and gentle with yourself. Much love,
Aww, you’re really sweet.
Maureen, your in my thoughts and prayers.. I think you’ll find recipes that are even more Orgasmic with new ways of cooking and baking! You are so talented I know in the long run you won’t let this hold you back!
I hope you feel better soon,
Thanks heaps, Serena!
Oh! I love all the flowers, so fresh and wonderful.. Thank for sharing this blog post. I really enjoyed reading your article.
The purple and yellow flowers…so pretty!
Maureen, I am so sorry to hear about your ‘health scare; and hope you get better. As far as I go, I don’t think I could go totally without butter in my cooking!
I know… I’ll get through all this and see how much I can tolerate. I hope it’s a lot.
They’re gorgeous!
I have thought about you so many times since I first read this post. I am praying for you to have a quick and complete recovery. Rest is the best! I look forward to you coming back strong and feeling fantastic!
I’m going to be fine, honestly. I have one more week of testing and then I don’t think there’s anything left to test.
Once it’s all done it’s down to diet, exercise and relaxation. All in proper quantity.
What awful news! But, look on the bright side; you’re still alive and have time to make changes in your diet. I can recommend a book for you, “The Spectrum” by Dr. Dean Ornish. He is a heart specialist, one of Clinton’s doctors. It’s an excellent book and may inspire you to make the necessary changes.
Thank you very much, Mireya!
gorgeous place to have a walk
Hi Maureen, Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell. Hope you’ll be fighting fit in no time! Love the Carnival of Flowers! I lived in Toowoomba for 3 years and yes, it truly is a garden city.
You won’t get anything but sympathy from me. It is often the genes given to us that are to blame for these things more than what we put in our mouths. Having said that, sometimes we need a jolt to make us sit up and take notice and that can be a good thing. It must be no fun at all being in this position, in between tests. We will miss you too and do keep us updated.
Beautiful gardens. I forget it’s springtime down under. I hope you’re rested soon and doing so much better you’re back to working and eating just a little butter soon. God bless.
OMG Maureen! Oh take care of yourself, friend! Seriously! Now onto the heart-healthy foods…since you love to cook so much, make it work for you. But do stop and smell the flowers… so to speak. Take it easy!
How frightening for both you and John!
It is lucky the Dr’s picked up the previous heart attack before it was too late!
So you really will need to do as your told and rest. Love the flowers, they are all so gorgeous!
Yes, I suppose I AM lucky but sometimes it doesn’t feel so.
I KNOW the notice for this post never dropped into my mailbox as I would have commented immediately if I had seen it. It’s amazing that you had a heart attack and didn’t know about it but wonderful that you are having those tests done to find out what to do NOW. It’s not about the past but about the future and I know that with your hubby and the rest of your family in your corner you will be lovingly browbeaten into a healthier life style.
Good wishes for the test results and future prognosis for your health.
What beautiful flowers and wandering around looking at them probably makes you forget that exercise/walking is good for you.
Maureen!!! Although I’m just reading this now – I figured something like this was up. You HAVE to take care of yourself!!!
I know, I know