I’ve missed you. I got a cold and then John was very unwell and as my good friend Judith says, “Maureen, your first duty of care is to yourself.” She scolds me when I put everyone ahead of John and me. Not this week. I’ve been a dutiful wife.
We’ve had a few laughs though. Early last week I decided to be bad and went out for fast food. John was asleep when I left so I figured I’d go to the next town to get the one I wanted. Turned out to be a dumb decision.
After I got the food my car wouldn’t start. I called John and no answer. His mobile phone was turned off too. I wasn’t in the happiest mood. I figured I’d walk to the bus stop and take the bus home.
I’m waving like crazy at the bus driver as he drove right past me as if I were invisible. So I walked all the way home. It was a long walk.
That’s not the funny bit.
As I was walking under a row of trees I heard all sorts of racket above my head and it was BATS. yes, bats. I started walking a bit faster and then the biggest pile of bat poop landed on my head. Gross!
It wasn’t funny then but it gets funnier in the telling.
Fast forward to yesterday afternoon. I was sweeping the patio and in the palm tree above me were two crows giving each other hell and yes, one of the bastards pooped on my head.
Now bat poop didn’t smell but crow poop? I couldn’t get in the shower fast enough. John tried really hard not to laugh at me but he failed. He was standing right next to me – it was his turn for pete’s sake!
What I needed then was a brownie, a nice fudgy brownie full of walnuts. Just like this.
- 1-1/3 cups plain flour
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- ¾ cup cocoa powder (sifted)
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ½ cup chopped walnuts
- ½ cup chocolate chips
- ⅔ cup vegetable oil
- 4 eggs, lightly beaten
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 180C/350C
- In a bowl, add the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt, walnuts and chocolate chips. Mix to combine.
- In another bowl, whisk together the oil, eggs and vanilla.
- Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients. Mix until just combined. Don't overmix.
- Spread in a 13-in. x 9-in. baking pan greased and lined with baking paper.
- Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Slightly underbaked leaves the brownies very fudgy.

Now those of you who’ve been following me for a while and know my good friend Charlie. He has his own Instagram account now. It was only created yesterday and already he’s got some delightful followers. Sally_the_cavoodle, buzzandthepigs, and imcharliethecavoodle were his first followers. If you’d like to share the love, he’s charlietheoodle.
Maureen, sounds like you had a really BAD DAY, but at least you had those delicious brownies waiting for you at home!
Great story though not a very clean one. I love the connection between the two lots of poop and the fudgie brownies.
Ah! These look devine. I am not going to buy a brownie mix to bake right now! (won’t be as good as yours!)
A bird pooped on my head once, and someone told me it was good luck. I’m assuming she meant for the bird, as it would have been a tough shot to make.
Oh, my… Would you forgive me if I tell you I laughed to the point of tears? Best way EVER to start my Sunday, hot cappuccino next to me, and the thought of poor Maureen so unfairly hit by fate….
now, if you don’t mind me sharing, I once got BLASTED with a pigeon’s intestinal load – you have NO IDEA how much of the stuff one of those creatures hold. The place was former Yugoslavia, my former husband and his parents next to me, we were in town waiting to catch a bus. It was the most disgusting experience of my life… and we had to catch the bus to go back to his uncle’s home
see? You are not alone…
Sounds like that you had a really rough day, Maureen.
Hopefully these fudgy brownies have brought you some comfort! They look divine!
Dear Maureen,
Charlie is too cute for words.
And what are the chances of getting bat and crow poo on your head on the same day?? I wouldn’t be complaining coz if you bought a Powerball ticket, millions of dollars will suddenly appear in your bank account.
I’d run to the nearest newsagent now if I were you.
Brownies are all too often the answer, I’ve found.
Or fudge. And the odd cookie here and there. Funny story, although poor you! Sorry you and John were unwell, and your friend is right: you guys should come first. Anyway, lovely recipe and entertaining read. Thanks.
Im so sorry to hear about your bad experiences. ( Car trouble and bats…oh my! )
Your brownies look and sound delicious!!!
Oh my goodness. Please forgive me, but I had to laugh. At the same time I feel really bad for you. I’m so sorry.
A bird pooped on my arm once and that was traumatic enough for me. Now, when I go to the beach I run when I see egrets. Gross.
I am so sorry, what a bad day. Murphy’s Law Maureen… once things happen they will usually happen in three’s! I believe I would have fixed me a really strong drink once I got out of the shower…then made brownies.
Your brownies look really good, really fudgy, so chocolaty !
making be droll over here! 
EEKS…why poops are raining on your head? Well, sometimes, awkward things keep on happening, so don’t worry. These brownies do look fabulously fudgy…just want to have a bite of it right now!
The brownie looks decadent, Maureen.
Glad you’re back and well. We missed you too…and your funny stories!
I’m sure being ‘blessed’ by the birds is a GOOD thing is some culture or other.
Oh well, after a thorough shower and shampoo a couple of these brownies and a big glass of milk should improve things.
What a day! I saw your comment on my instagram where you said you had done a lot of walking and I wondered what that was about. I hope you were wearing appropriate shoes! What a drama and bat poo! I would have been screaming. And as for the crows – they are an utter problem. One day last week my little guy was at school and he sat down to eat his lunch. It was in a zip lock bag (because he’s broken his lunch box and his mother can’t remember to buy him another one), and then a crow swooped on him and picked up the zip lock bag with ALL his lunch in it and off he went. Fortunately, the good ladies at the canteen gave him some lunch xx
They say bird poop is lucky!! You should have bought a lottery ticket after the crow poop. Bat poop is another thing Maureen, stay clear of those little suckers. They are smelly and carry rabies, I hate them and would detour thru half a nation to stay away from them.
Aaah they say it is good luck but when it happened to me, I died a little inside! So I understand!
On a nicer note, these brownies ROCK! OMG they look so incredible
Choc Chip Uru
After all those of those ‘mishaps’ you deserve the entire pan of delicious brownies. Maybe you can turn your adventures into a children’s book. At least make some money off it.
Hope the emoticon code works. ROFLAO
Oh my goodness… dare I say it, Maureen, my friend…. Sh*t happens
Lucky you have such a wonderful sense of humour… and those brownies will have helped recover some grace. Love that Charlie has an instagram page!
Oh my! If that happened to me I would eat the entire tray of brownies myself and then maybe only share one or two out of the second tray!!
Just means next week will be amazingly good! The universe needs to balance itself back out!
Oh Maureen you poor thing. Might have been the foodie gods telling you your cooking is much better than fast food.
I hope the brownies made up for it all. They look like they’d lift me from the darkest of moods!
These brownies look wonderful! So chocolatey, you deserve at least three of them. You have a funny story, good thing elephants don’t fly.
Hahahahaha!! Not once, but TWICE?? Sorry, but it really reads funny, though it’s mean of me to laugh, I know.
Love the look of the brownie.
oh Maureen, I am so sorry, what a bad day. I have also has bird poo fall on me too! Murphy’s Law, things happen in three’s. I believe I would have fixed me a stiff drink after the shower.
Your fudgy brownies look wonderful! I wish I lived hear you so that we could share desserts!
dearie dearie me! i hate bird poop and bat poop- it stains so bad. but those brownies look fab. i like them very fudgy.. not cakey. I must try them out.
Oh goodness you really had bad luck. I hope you were feeling better when you had to walk and it wasn’t cold there. Gee what are the odds of bats, bat poop and crow poop. Thank goodness for showers. That definitely was not your day. Just curious what fast food were you craving? I don’t think I’d ever go back there again!
Poor Maureen! How many times in one day can birds poop on one person??? I hope you enjoyed your scrumptious looking brownies.
G’day! I always enjoy hearing your stories Maureen and think everyone can appreciate and has had one of your days, true!
I’ll tell you, I could go for one of your brownies right now as they are exactly like I like them too!
Cheers! Joanne
Sometimes I think those crows are just pests! Now, I’m sure cute Charlie is enjoying his instragram followers. Those brownies are very inviting — I love the look of them.
Oy! Twice! I got once when I was waiting at the school’s parking lot for dismissal and I only opened half of windows, but somehow the bird poop came into my shoulder and inside the car door. That was my very first bird poop on me and I had to get clean up quite a bit. Bat or crow doesn’t sound very funny…. but the brownie must have been a very nice treat. I’d need like 5 pieces just for the bad luck (or could it be good luck? Who knows!)…
Apparently it’s very good luck to be pooped on by a bird.
Not sure about a bat though! Those brownies look delish, Maureen! xxx
Oh Maureen! I can’t believe the buggers got you TWICE!! Gosh, it IS funny as a story, but I would NOT be a happy camper walking for ages with bat poop on my head. XO
The only people who tell you being pooped upon is lucky are the ones who haven’t been pooped upon. But bat poop? That’s a first. I can’t believe you had to walk all the way home either that’s a total bummer
I’d have had to have the whole slab of brownies to console myself.
OMG Maureen you poor thing. Thats just rediculous. You must have been hoping mad. Hope you ate the takeaway on your walk home
Oh dear, how horrible. I hope you complained to the transit commission about that inconsiderate driver. I also hope that John is feeling better, it’s nice that you took care of him. You have the most adorable pup, he would certainly cheer up any bad day. I was pooped on by a pigeon in Jamaica once, I ran to the bathroom and dunked my head under the faucet. When I returned to the dining room, JT wondered why my hair was so wet. He laughed at me too. It’s supposed to be good luck. The poop on the head, not the wet hair!
I am quite sure if you got pooped on twice, in Italy that is considered good luck! Go figure – the chances of that happening are one in a ba-zillion! Fudgy brownies will cure anything if you ask me! Lovely recipe.
Looks fudge and delicious! Sounds like you have had a few rough days recently! Hopefully things turn around for you.
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your story—–they could expand that into a movie. You know add more events that happened on the way home. Why you felt you had to get fast food. What devious demon did something to your car. Okay I guess I can stop now. But live is always better with chocolate. That was definitely THE right thing to do. Fudgy brownies are THE only brownies to even bother with. And unless you photo shopped the picture, these are definitely fudgy!
I like the way you think.
Talk about a crazy day…….all in the name of some fast food. Hope you both are feeling better. The brownies look delicious!
Oh Maureen – am so sorry you were the recipient of all that poop! But, isn’t it considered good luck to be pooped on by a bird?
These brownies look so fudgy – here’s hoping you have gotten rid of your cold and are feeling 110% better!
I can only hope so!
That looks so moist and chewy, thats the way I like them
Now THAT is what I call a poopy week! Oh my goodness. Here in the south we would say “bless your little pea-pickin’ heart”. I hope you feel better. Thanks for a good laugh. Youre brownies look wonderful, amazing, delicious!
What a great post! I can’t decide what I love more, though – these mouthwatering brownies or Charlie’s sweet face! Such a cutie.
Oh my goodness, what a week! Fudgy brownies are the only cure for those poopy disasters ;).
I am all about Fabulous and Fudgy when talking about Brownies! Oh my word, they do look like chocolatey happiness! Yum, Hugs, Terra
Oh, no! Not once, but twice??? You deserve these decadent brownies!
Oh no Maureen! That’s terrible-two in one short time! But glad you can laugh about it. These brownies look incredible. Now what to do because I want one for breakfast…
Awww I’m sorry! With a newborn and a toddler still in diapers, we definitely have our share of poop cleanup but bat poop sounds much worse than kid poop! At least you had brownies?
Twice in one day? What are the chances? I say go and buy a lottery ticket.
Who could say no to a brownie as good looking as that?! And that Charlie is such a cutie
That was one gross and funny experience, Maureen! But some cultural folklore believes when you dream of or step on poop or get pooped on (eow!), it’ll bring you good luck. And that’s probably why you got rewarded with a really fab fudgy brownie that looks sooo chewy and delicious. Charlie’s cute in that pic, too!
Gourmet Getaways
Ooo Maureen… Ok I gotta confess I did laugh a little bit… Really just a little bit…:) But what a day you had! Definitely a good reason to eat that entire batch of brownies!
Thanks Maureen, I need one of those good old chuckles, not that your story is funny at the time it was happening but later on I am sure one day you will look back on this day with fond memories. I really think that all of life’s problems can be solved with chocolate and boy oh boys these brownies look amazing.(Just pinned that so I can make these later, we need lots of chocolate around here during exam time) Charlie is a sweetheart and I have been enjoying your photos of him on instagram, especially the one of him jumping into the lake. Great shot! Have a super week. BAM
Oh how funny Maureen- when it doesn’t happen to me! My Dad got pooped on by a fruit bat all down his white sport jacket and it was never the same again. I hope your week improved, your fantabulous brownies look like just the pick-me-up needed after that type of experience
Hi Maureen, I hope you are doing well!
You made me laugh so much as I was reading your story!
It was lunch time and there was no nobody in the open space so I could laugh as I wanted.
Poor Maureen! There are some days, you don’t know really why, every thing is against you right?
I’am a huge fan of your fudgy brownies and you are right there are fabulous!
Take good care of you
fabulously is right! Amazing, incredible perfection are other adjectives you should have used:) LOL! they look out of this world
These are totally fabulous! And delicious! And wonderful! Come to me pretty brownies!
Maureen – what are the chances? That’s funny and not funny! I would have made brownies too and those look amazing!
Maureen, those brownies look intoxicating, simply decadent!
Oh dear it does sound like an unfortunate week you have had, but all’s well that ends well! I am glad to hear you are all back on the mend and posting yummy recipes again and wow do those brownies look delicious! So fudgy and moreish, yum, yum, yum wish I had one now
I was pooped on by a raven guarding the Tower of London. A guard told me it was good luck. I didn’t think so. But I am guessing you are now doubly lucky. I know I would be if surrounded by Charlie with his own Instagram account and these brownies! Hope you are clean and feeling better!
Oh no no no! These, whoa. I think they need some white chocolate chips!
I suspect if a bird pooped on my head, a fudgy chocolate dessert would be far from my mind
However, given one hasn’t (and I’m safely inside at present!), these look fantastic!
I saw them first on Instagram. They are totally irresistible .
Oh dear – sorry for the troubles you’ve been having, BUt I think these brownies would help to get over it! Hope your husband continues to feel better!
I hope you both are feeling better, or do so soon!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen bats before, let alone have they pooped on me. So consider yourself lucky!
The brownies look fabulous fudgey! Ha
I totally don’t get how being pooped on is considered lucky in some places – what the? Anyways, lovely way to introduce a recipe about Brownies!
These brownies look absolutely delicious. Fun story.
You are one brave woman, Maureen. If I saw a tree full of bats I probably would have screamed and ran in the opposite direction…Unless one of them magically turned into Alexander Skarsgard
…moving right along. Those brownies!
All that fudgy goodness is irresistible. Sooo heavenly.
And OMG. Charlie has is own Instagram?! ^_^ I will be following…I should probably get Inka on Instagram so they can follow one another
Maureen, I’m so sorry to hear about your aerial troubles and cold and car problems, too, but these brownies seem like the perfect way to cope with the madness! Birds have it out for me as well, but I’ve never had a run-in with a bat. (Keep your fingers crossed!)
Okay, I need a tall glass of milk right now. Your brownies look divine. I will sink my teeth into one anytime. You dog is so cute. I have 9 month Labradoodle and she is a cutie. You inspired me to open her Instagram account!
I’m so sorry that you and John were not well and to add to the misery you got pooped on. But if that led to these gooey, fudgy brownies, please forgive me if I have a smile on my face.
So when did the poop magnet get installed in your head? How unfortunate, and yes, I did giggle a little, sorry.
Brownies look stunningly delicious.
Sorry about the struggles. Hope everyone is feeling better. I remember visiting Port Douglas and being astonished at the huge bats just hanging out in the trees. I’d want one of your decadent fudgy brownied to cheer me up too.
Maureen, all I can say is I hope you bought a couple of lottery tickets!
Oh my gosh – you’re totally hilarious! First the incredibly awful yet outrageously funny story of being ill, walking home and getting pooped on (twice!!) – I mean, how low can things get all in one series of events?!?!? And then Charlie gets his own Instagram! For sure what you need to cheer you up/celebrate a dog on Instagram is brownies! (Well, actually brownies are pretty much what you need for any occasion, right?!?) These look completely amazing! And hey – I do sure hope that this coming week is better …
Oh dear, it really wasn’t your day. I hate it when bus drivers have tunnel vision! However… dunno about bat poop, Maureen, but bird poop is supposed to be lucky! Quick buy a lottery ticket!
Anyway, alls well that ends well and I couldn’t think of a finer ending than these brownies. Good call for a spirit-lifting treat!
Hope you and John are feeling better. Your brownies look fantastic…hope this week will be a better one for you!
How unlucky were you to get pooped on by a bat and a crow. Good to know about the crow poo as I sit under a tree each afternoon with them usually sitting in the top – I might find a new spot. Those brownies look awesomely fudgy I really wanted some the other day and still yet to make them to give me the fix that I need. Will have to give them a whirl. Hope you are well otherwise.
ive had brownies craving all week, as in to bake them but not eat them!
Oh dear! Any kind of falling poop is bad news! But those brownies look delish! Could turn any frown upside down.
Charlie is tooooo cute!
It’s all about brownies lately. I really must make another batch soon too! x
Your dog is so cute. Brownies are always a dessert that I love to bake and that we enjoy eating usually top with ice cream and warm chocolate sauce. Love yours!
These brownies are screaming my name to try them! They look fudgy and just about perfect!
Oh Maureen, what a day! That would be awful, those bats scare me with their diseases I would have freaked out. At least there were lovely brownies at the end of it all; they look so delicious – I’d take these kind of fudgey brownies over cake any day, definitely a favourite of mine.
Krissie x – http://pearlsofstyle.blogspot.com.au
What a lovely chocolate brownie recipe, this reminds I haven’t cooked brownies, well, this year
I will cook yours Maureen. Unbelievable about receiving two poops, dare I say it comes in threes? Seriously, they say being pooped on is good luck, so go with your double bout of good luck 
A truly mouth watering pic. I can’t wait to cook it. The recipe sounds not very difficult even to me with my minimum experience. I hope I’ll cope with it. Thanks for your clear guideliens.
Those brownies are beauties. They do look super fudgy, the best kind of brownie.
Wish I wasn’t laughing so hard Maureen but, well, it was impossible not to! After that I would this entire tray of brownies all by myself.
Fudgy brownies always makes me feel better! And bat poop?! Crazy day indeed!
Holy cow do those look fudgy!!! Just the way I like my brownies
Haha, omg, what a story…you know what they say though, it’s good luck when a bird poops on you! I wonder if the same holds true for bath poo…you’ll have to let us know 
fantastic looking brownies! so chocolaty!
I lost my favourite brownie recipe so I’m going to print thi sone out and I’ll give it a whirl – I’m looking for that elusive fudging gooey thing!!
Hope you’ve recovered from it all, Maureen — i would, with this decadently fudgy brownies
Visiting from Bewitching Kitchen cause I had to read more about the bat/crow poop story and get another shot of the fudgy brownies. Funny first, fabulous second. Charlie’s funny, fuzzy little face is adorable.
Hello Maureen! I’m so glad Sally gave us the teaser — I had to get the poop scoop directly from you and frankly, reading about Charlie’s IG account just about had me in spasms… maybe it’s the photo? Beyond adorable and these fudgy, slightly undercooked brownies are just what the dung doctor ordered
Stop! I’m dizzy and laughing this hard is probably not good. LOL You two are a riot!