Friends and family often ask how the food differs from back in the states where I lived most of my life and here in Australia. “What’s different?” they ask. I found this nifty infographic today and received permission to share it. I don’t dare tell you that John got the flu (finally) and he gave it back to me. Off to the doctor this afternoon and hopefully that will be the end of it. I’m dying to get back in the kitchen.
Foods Australia Brought The World [Infographic] by the team at Cheapflights UK
If you come to visit, I WILL toss a prawn on the barbie for you. Just cause I love you.
i definitely agree with you on all the foods maureen! (except for the chiko roll, i could never stomach one..). the tim tams and fairy bread are two of my favourites… so many childhood memories! love it!
I have had one bite of one chicko roll. Nuff said. Give me a TimTam, bite off opposite corners and use it as a straw with wonderful port? I’m in!!
Hoe you feel better Maureen, did not know tim tams originated in Australia, how interesting.
Hi M,
I had fairy bread at birthday parties as a kid in England so it must be a Brit invention. Along with marmite that’s been adapted into vegemite here. Not very keen on any of the Aussie products here apart from the prawns which are cheap (compared to the UK) and yummy. What I do love here is the fresh produce. We’re spoilt for choice with all the tropical fruit as well as the usual fruit and veg. I love that.
Get well quick! x A
LOL I do love the fresh produce on the Sunshine Coast. When we buy at the farmer’s market we know it’s only been out of the field for a few days at most.
Oh no, you poor thing!
But this is a great list! Interesting that pavlova didn’t feature-it’s either Australia or New Zealand and both sides claim it so it was probably safer to leave it out 
I think discretion played a part, Lorraine.
Thank you, Australia, for making the world a tastier place.
(Don’t you think plane loads of fairy bread should be shipped to areas of conflict? Who could fight whilst holding a piece of sprinkly bread?)
OMG.. it’s the answer to whirled peas !
Hope both of you will be well soon. And that is a nifty graphic — a lot of new info for me. Thanks.
Get well, Maureen! The flu is no fun!! Those Tim Tams are calling my name. I need to find them. I hope I they’re available at World Market here in CA!!
A friend came by yesterday with a packet of chocolate and peanut butter TimTams. They were 2 for $5 so he shared with me.
Goodness Maureen – I hope you are all well there soon! Loved this infographic – and seeing what is uniquely Australian! Some day, I may take you up on your offer!
Pinky swear??
Sometimes when the flu is going around you just want to get it and get it over with. Hope that happens soon.
Great list of foods. Other than the vegemite, they’re very appealing. (I’m not saying that I wouldn’t TRY vegemite but I wouldn’t buy a jar for the experience.) My dad used to eat bread spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar when my mom refused to whip up a batch of crepes at 8pm in the evening. He had quite the sweet tooth.
Your father and I would have gotten along just fine.
Great list Maureen – at least the Aussies aren’t trying claim the pav or Lorde in this list! And they keep the chicko roll:)
Oh My!!! I do so want to taste those Lamingtons. So delicious.
I also love the Fairy Bread, even though here in America the Food Police would frown on them. Good. More for me.
And shrimp on the Barbie would be luscious!!!
I am saving my $$$ to fly right over.
I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing the infographic.
I am terribly terribly terribly sorry you two have been battling the flu. I am so happy to hear you think you are on the mend. This is a fun blog and I enjoyed reading it.
Thanks, Carol. I’ll be fine. I’m just slower at catching up these days.
I can’t believe you got sick again – that’s a bit rubbish isn’t it? I never clicked that macadamias were native to Australia what a great list. Fairy bread is still a mystery though!
I love Vegemite the UK one is called Marmite but it used to contain beef stock so I always got Vegemite now both are vegetarian but I alway go for Vegemite as I grew up on it. I loved the Australian food on both occasions I visited, yummy, pretty health and really colourful!
Fascinating! I love Fairy bread… have not eaten it for years! Do hope you are feeling better soon! I heard on the news that Queenslanders are suffering greatly with the flu this season!
First a warm hope both of you will put the dreaded lurgy behind you soonest! Golly gosh, have lived Down Under since childhood and the only one on that list I would touch [and do love] are the macadamia nuts
! Oh, do make Anzac biscuits at times! Horses for courses!!!!
Maureen all look awesome! I love all these:))
I hope you feeling better I had flu weeks ago and was terrible:(
(we are in winter too)
The most I miss was cooking:)
I knew about Tim Tams but Macademia nuts I had no clue. Lovely list Maureen, very very informative.
That Fairy Bread………. THAT LOOKS BOMB!!!!!!
Too bad I will never be able to eat it!
well I did not know that fairy bread was aussie stuff. yay us. so many tasty things Ha ha:) you have to laugh really- such a funny range of foods.
G’day! Soo0oooooooo sorry you are crook again and John has it too!
Sounds like your body is trying to get your attention!
Perhaps a Tim Tam or two might be the remedy!
Get well soon! Hugs (from afar) from me!
Cheers! Joanne
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve all got the flu. It seems it’s been one thing after another. Have you ever had a chicko roll? I can’t believe I used to eat them. They’re totally teenage-growth-spurt food. Vile! I didn’t know fairy bread was an Aussie thing – the Kiwi’s probably think they own it like pavlova. I took Tim Tams to Joanne when I visited her in New York xx
Get well soon Maureen! I can’t wait to share this with friends and family in Greece. Oh that fairy bread – memories of childhood parties coming flooding back!! : )
I’ve heard of Lamingtons before, but actually had no idea what they were. They look delicious. Is Vegemite any different to Marmite? I take it marmite isn’t vegetarian hence the Australian version?
Bummed that you aren’t feeling well but I hope you get to feeling better soon! I want some of those biscuits now….mmmmm!
What a great list! I hadn’t heard of half of these. I think I just better come to Australia to taste them all. I hope you feel better soon! xo
I had a Canberra Centenary Pie last year Maureen, it was full of kangaroo and emu, maybe that should go on the list
Also pumpkin scones should rate a mention too. Hope you’re feeling better soon xox
We love flat whites! One of our favorite drinks (and always a sign of a good coffee shop here in the States!)
Oh my gosh, I want the tim tams and the fairy bread. This was so fun to see. I need to visit you so I can partake in all of these.
Tim Tams are the best things on that list

What an awesome info graphic! Gotta love Australia
Choc Chip Uru
gosh there s some dodgy things on that list Maureen. A bit embarrassing compared to the rest of the world. hope you are better now
Hey, how cool is that – flat whites started here? And fairy bread – the world should really thank us for that!
You need Tim Tams and tea for what ails you…and HOPING you get better soon!
I’m eternally grateful for Tim Tams and macadamia nuts :).
So sorry you’ve been sick Maureen, that stinks! So fun to see all the Aussie food!
Oh Maureen, I sure hope you are feeling better, having the flu twice is such a short period of time is very unusual and not good! Rest and you will get better soon, the kitchen will be there when you are ready
There are lots of wonder food Australia gave us!
Just checked my settings and some how my notification for your site got set to no, but I got it changed!
Such a fun post. So many foods I didn’t about till now. And here I always created Hawaii for macadamia nuts
Fun Post. I did not know there was a technique for the Tim Tam slam. I will so need to try that. As for your vegemite, I think I will pass on that. Do you actually eat that stuff?
Guess what, my hubby is taking my teenage boys to Australia this August and sail along the Whitsunday islands? How fun is that! Any suggestions? They are going by themselves for a little male bonding. they even have a grill on the boat, of course…! Take Care, BAM
Tim Tams are definitely an Aussie thing together with vegemite. We have marmite here. I used to buy macadmia nuts when I visited Perth, only to discover we farm them closer to home
Very interesting post, Maureen! Years ago, when we were visiting relatives in Holland, the big thing was toast spread with butter and chocolate sprinkles. It was so good, that I brought boxes back home to share with my kids. Your fairy toast reminds me of that.
Feel better!
I hope the two of your are both feeling better. Loved the little list of what is different in the food world of Australia.
What a cool infographic! Hope you’re feeling better, the flu is the worst.
Maureen, I sure hope you’re feeling better — no fun passing it back & forth — especially when you’re on the receiving end! FYI, I couldn’t get the infographic to load (most likely technical difficulties here) but it sounds like fairy bread is at the top of the leader board per your comment section! I learned about tim tams from Uru
and love finding out about ‘new to me’ foods in IMK every month, too. Again, get well soon! xo
Hi Maureen, didn’t you just have a horrible flu recently? Hope you are feeling better soon. Tim Tams look a little like Penguin Bars and I’m liking the look of that damper. My granny would take us out to Bewleys famous café in Dublin and she’d give me and my older brother triangles of buttered bread sprinkled with sugar and think it was a treat – shudder. I think it was her version of fairy bread. We didn’t want sugared bread – we wanted chocolate eclairs and fondant fancies.
Thank you Australia, for the Macadamia nut and Lammingtons. Still making my mind up about Vegemite.
I did and now I have it again. The doc says we never killed the bronchitis from last time and one little bug and I got it again. I’ll get better soon.
Hi Maureen!
Get better soon, you have been getting ill a lot this year. =((
Can it be that food in Australia is fresher and more local produce is used?
I think so the flat white exists in Austria too but it has another name. I am not a coffee experts because the combination of ingredients always seems the same, so I don’t know the name.
Very informative thanks for sharing!
Sorry you are still fighting that flu bug – hope you feel better soon! Love this interesting list of foods – and are you seriously inviting me to dinner – be careful – I may just show up! I’ll call first – haha – would love to travel to Australia.
You have a permanent invitation!
I’m so sorry to hear you’re sick again! Take care and get better soon!
Love the infographic, it’s very cute, thanks for sharing!
Oh TimTams and Lamingtons!!! I LOVE them!! And the coffee. I do love the coffee here. And feel better soon!!
Yeah tim tams I love those with my coffee.
Fairy bread? I didn’t think anyone ate buttered bread with sprinkles on it except the Dutch! Fun! Weird, but fun! I love stuff like this since I love seeing particular cultural foods and trying to learn and understand what brought them about. Thanks for sharing! (a friend brought me a box of Tam Tams which i’ve not yet opened and eaten. Maybe I’ll do that now.)
You bite opposite corners of the TimTams and use it as a straw with good port wine. Trust me.
Yes the cookie disintegrates eventually but oh my.. in such a good way.
Oh darlin, I’m SO sorry you have the flu AGAIN!!! Bear and I have been tag-teaming the wretched thing for nearly a month now – a few days on, a few days off, over and over. Ugh. I hope, hope, hope that you heal from it THOROUGHLY very soon. XOXO
So sorry to learn you got the flu, no fun, glad you are on the mend. Learned much about Australian food, thanks for sharing. Was served vegemite once definitely an acquired taste.
Oh dear – am so sorry John is sick and you seem to be sick again too – the flu is no fun!
I didn’t know macadamia nuts were native to Australia and they are probably the only thing on that info graphic that I have tried! I think I could get hooked on those Tam Tams and Lamingtons!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Our daughter came back from a trip to Germany a few years back in love with Tim Tams! May I extend our appreciation to Australia for bring this to the world.
Great poster! I had no idea that macadamia nuts were from Australia. That’s interesting. The latte is the only thing that I’ve had other than the nuts. I’ve heard of Vegemite, but have never tasted it. Thanks for this post because not only have I learned more about Australian food, but I have lots of new trivia stuff to share with my foodie friends.
What an interesting list! I had no idea what foods were Australian.
I absolutely love this post. I am always reminding people that macadamia nuts are from Australia!
Very interesting. Lamingtons are one of my favourite cakes, especially with cream and jam.
Fab infographic. So easy to share (which I would like to do, too!) Thanks, M x