What a night! I was asked to review a restaurant in Brisbane tonight – arriving at 6:30. Because we don’t have daylight savings in Queensland it starts getting dark at 6:30, so I wanted to arrive early enough to take photos outside. We arrived at 6:10 and I explained to the person behind the counter who I was and she said it was fine for me to take as many photos as I wished. She also said she had no idea that I was coming. Not a good sign but not every staff member knows everything and I wasn’t concerned.
6:30 came and nothing happened other than 3 coffees. At 6:45 I asked if the person who’d invited me was on the reservation list – “Ummm, let me check.”
A few minutes later I was given a sticky note with the PR person’s phone number and she said, “We tried calling her but there’s no answer.” At 7pm we left.
Brisbane is an hour and a half drive so it’s not like going down the street to meet someone and I’ll admit that I wasn’t too pleased. We could have stayed to eat there but I had no idea if all the tables were booked and they were squeezing us in and John felt uncomfortable so off we went.
As we were driving home I saw a very familiar sign and casually mentioned, “Wow, it’s been years since I’ve had a blooming onion, I wonder if they have them.” In an instant John whipped the car into the turning lane and then into the driveway of the Outback Steakhouse.
There’s a family story about this restaurant. When John and I first met, I was living in Orlando and he was living in Australia. One day I told him I was going to get my Australian on by going to the Outback Steakhouse and he told me he was eager for me to tell him what was on the menu. When I came back and said, “I had prime rib,” he said, “We don’t have prime rib in Australia – not like the Americans cook it.”
I went on down the menu and each one was, “No, we don’t have that, nor that…” Then he said, “Maureen, that’s an American restaurant with an Australian decor.” That IS what it is.
So for this yank, I got to eat my blooming onion $9.95 (which by the way is not a Vidalia or Walla Walla Sweet, those wonderful big onions that cover the plate – it’s a regular brown onion) but it tasted exactly as I remembered right down to the horseradish sauce. Rob doesn’t eat onions OR spicy food but he had his fingers on quite a few petals.
John ordered the rack of lamb for $25.95 and it looked just like the photo. I thought, “Uh oh… that looks overcooked,” and I wanted his to be good because he’d been so nice to give me an American cuddle through food. He cut into it and said, “It’s perfectly cooked; pink through and through and very well seasoned.” Win!
Rob ordered the fish of the day for $21 which is easy to eat. His arthritis makes eating difficult sometimes. I’ll admit that his didn’t look all that crash hot either but the first bite came and went with him saying, “This is delicious. The flesh is firm and there’s a pleasant, slightly nutty flavour to it.” Win. I tried to explain chain restaurants but it seemed an odd concept to him.
Because I’d ordered the blooming onion thinking it was going to overwhelm the plate, I ordered a loaded baked potato at $5.95 with bacon, cheese and sour cream plus a garden salad for another $5.95. It was just the right amount and when I was finished I was full.
About the prices: Australian don’t tip because by law they have to pay a decent wage and most servers start at $15 an hour. The Australian dollar today is 93% of the US dollar so imagine if wait staff there got $15 an hour and didn’t have to rely on tips. The service was definitely American style and we were well looked after.
This Outback Restaurant has only been open for about 6 months and is the first of their restaurants outside of Sydney. Our server answered every question without hesitation, and even explained how the salads would come out first. This is not how salads are served here in Australia – salads come with the meal, often without dressing. The salad course is one of the things that drive John nuts when he visits the states – he thinks salad should be on the plate.
They had very few empty tables so it appears that Brisbane people like to get their American on too. Do you eat at chain restaurants? Have you gone to a restaurant to re-live memories like I did?
I simply cannot believe they would stood you up like that, making you drive 90 minutes for it!
well, if you were living in Sao Paulo, you could be stuck in traffic for 90 minutes to go to a restaurant 10 miles away, so at least I hope it was a nice ride…
LOL We live in a smallish town and have no traffic problem at all. Brisbane has millions of people so it’s a bit tricky but spending 3 hours traveling to find out nobody knew I was coming wasn’t pleasant. It was the first time John came with me. He was less than impressed.
I’ve never heard of a Blooming onion. I remember when I worked for Disney we used to go to an American chain restaurant in Knightsbridge in London called The Chicago Rib Shack. They had an onion loaf. It was a giant deep fried loaf of onions – DIVINE. I left Disney and didn’t go to the restaurant again. I haven’t forgotten the onion loaf though. GG
The onion loaf is different. You make onion rings and then smash them in a basket and bake them for a while and they come out crispy and loaf shaped.
A blooming onion is cut nearly to the bottom and cored. Then it’s soaked in cold water (it makes the “petals” fan out). Then it’s dried and dipped in batter and then deep fried. The dipping sauce is placed where the core was and you take the petals off and dip them in the sauce and eat ’em!
That’s not right that they stood you up! I always enjoy the blooming onion, looks like yall had a really nice dinner.
It was fun and yes, there was a bit of “You Americans,” in the conversation. At home we have outlawed using the words you and Americans in the same sentence.
That said, John loves the states – why wouldn’t he, that’s where he found me. 
That definitely stinks that you got stood up! Last time I’d answer that PR person’s email. I haven’t been to an Outback in ages! I remember the first time I visited one and was puzzled about the Australian theme. I’ve never been to Australia, but other than the decor, it really didn’t seem at all what I imagined Australia was about. Sounds like your meal was excellent! It’s interesting the way salads are served throughout the world (and loads of cuisines don’t really have salad the way we think of it). When I was a kid I remember salad usually being served with the main course at home – often right on the plate. John would have fit right in! Then sometime in the 60s it became a before the main deal, always. Unless it was being served after the main as a sort of palate cleanser. I know it’s served that way in some places of the world, but never seems quite right to me. Anyway, before this comment gets too long, just want to close by saying I so wish the wait staff in US restaurants got a decent wage, and tipping was done away with. I’m a generous tipper – I’ve been in the hospitality biz and know how little people actually make – but I think it’s outrageous that the burden of paying the wait staff is up to the customers. I just wish they’d mark up prices and be done with it.
Tipping does ensure you get good service. There are lots of places in Australia with crap service. You walk in, sit down and wait 15 minutes or more before you’re asked for your drink order and then the meals don’t come out at the same time. Drives me nuts!
I am a sucker for those bloomin’ onions! Yum!
I want another one now. As I was eating that one I told John it wasn’t big enough and I needed to come back for another. He rolled his eyes.
That PR person sounds pretty unprofessional. I hope he/she has a really good excuse for the no show.
We lost our Outback restaurant at least 5 years ago. I only went a few times as it was pricier than I can really afford and other than the gimmick of the blooming onion, which I found way too heavy, I could make similar food at home for much less. I’m glad that your men enjoyed their meals.
I do like the blooming onion and I bought an onion cutter to make them at home and have never used it.
My nephew loves onion rings so the blooming onion was always part of his order when we went there. I didn’t know there was a special cutter available.
oh yeah, they are around in lots of places. if I could find one here, they must be everywhere.
I’m glad you had a nice meal in the end! The fried onions look a treat, as does your roasted spud! I once ate at a Hard Rock Cafe in Singapore. At the time, I was in the midst of my “Get Fit For Forty” mania, so I was being very careful what I ate. Anyway, I saw a chicken tenderloin starter, and I asked the waitress how much chicken was in it. She looked at her notepad and said, “800g”. I said, “800g? Surely you mean 80g!”. Anyway, thinking she’d made a mistake, I ordered it, and sure enough, nearly a kilo of tenderloins arrived at the table. And that was a starter!
LOL those Americans know how to eat. I’ll have to say that the portion sizes we had were not unreasonable but I’ve had a prime rib in Las Vegas that was bigger than the largest dinner plate I own. Who can eat that much meat?
I haven’t had a bloomin onion in years! Now I want some :p I like going to chain restaurants every now and then.
There aren’t many chain restaurants around us other than fast food like McDonalds, Burger King, KFC and Subway. When I saw the Outback sign I knew I wanted an onion.
WOW!!! Just as I remember Outback. The pictures made my mouth water, and taste buds perk right up. And brought a bit of tears to my eyes too. Brought back SO many warm and wonderful memories from when I still worked for Harcourt School Publishers. It was like family working there. REALLY!!!!! And there were 4 or 5 of us that ate at Outback so often when on the road. I miss the food and my friends and the best job I ever had.
Thanks of the memories. Am going to find an Outback this weekend and go relive some more memories.
Wow that is so rude my friend, I can’t believe she did that to you! Stood up is not a good look for her :/
Haha but it all turned out ok in the end, as you got to have this fabulous meal
Haha I like that, getting your American on, and just in time for Thanksgiving 
Those fries look magnificent! And the baked potato stuffed with goodness!
P.S I seem to have lost around 1000 subscribers on my blog and I don’t know how, so if you were subscribed, could you resubscribe please? it would really help me out!
weird.. the same thing happened to Charlie Louie from Hotly Spiced.
I’ll rejoin because I’m not getting your mails.
I have eaten at an Outback Steakhouse. It was in South Korea. After ten days of Korean food the tour guide took us there thinking we would like a taste of home. None of us had heard of it before!
The blooming onion sounds delicious!
The blooming onion is worth the trip.
Lordy, I would have been so mad to have been stood up like that, but let’s give em the benefit of the doubt, something unforeseen could have happened, but they should have let you know. Love the sound of this steakhouse! Your meals look awesome.
Exactly, it’s possible that the woman who knew nothing about me coming was a replacement and everything had been well sorted before I got there. I haven’t heard from her since she texted me at 7pm to go ahead and eat – it was all arranged.
That sucks about your review experience. Tyler keeps telling me that he’s going to order me a huge blooming onion when we go to America but I want one now! I wonder if we have one of these in Sydney. Imma go google it.
I think there are several Outback Steakhouses in Sydney!
It sounds like the change of dinner plans was worth it in the end
What an awful experience with the first restaurant, so I am glad you redeemed the evening.
Chain restaurants are often quite industrial but I got my inner American fed.
Did you ever hear back from the PR girl?? Shocking treatment especially given the round trip. A blooming onion sounds like just the thing you need to cheer you up after that. Reminded me of going to TGI Fridays when they first opened in London in the early 90’s and ordering the onion loaf and thinking I was just so cool.
No, only the text after 7 saying all was fine and for us to enjoy our meals. I had a lovely night and the serendipity of the whole thing makes me laugh.
G’day Maureen and sorry your initial plans did not happen, true!
Am a big believer in things happen for a reason too!
WHAT a smile you caused for me today!
You got your American ‘thang” going on and LOVE the Blooming Onion…Love your story!
Cheers! Joanne
Always look for the silver lining and I’m sure there was a good reason why it all happened that way. The people who run the restaurant and their PR people are top notch. Everyone drops the ball sometimes.
Maureen we used to go to Lone Star all the time years and years ago and it sounds just like this. Mum’s absolutely favourite thing was the ‘tumble weed’ which was a blooming onion. We loved that you got to throw the peanut shells on the ground and the food was delish.
This looks a little like the ribs and rumps I went to a few weeks ago. The presentation was very average but the food was really good and service great.
That’s terrible about the guy not showing up for your meeting!
Oh yes, I went to the Lone Star in Ringwood in Melbourne right after I moved – complete with peanuts and shells. This is the same sort of thing but with an Australian decor.
Oh dear what a disaster going all the way there to not have notice at the restaurant. I’m glad that all was not lost and you had dinner elsewhere! But yes not very professional of them
That loaded potato and the fish of the day look really delicious! I loved the way you reviewed the restaurant!!
Aww, thanks. I have so much to learn!
I’ve heard of the blooming onion somewhere before and wanted to try it. I know where to go now! Sorry the other place stood you up.
I had a great time anyway, Jodie, no skin off my nose!
If you like onion rings you will love a blooming onion.
At least your turned this trip into a little adventure and did something you might not have done otherwise. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t been to an Outback (which we have one about an hour away) because I think it’s just too expensive for my budget. Glad you had a good meal!
It would be way more expensive here because the staff start at $15 an hour for the lowest paid person. We’re used to it though.
What a shame about that first place and do far away. I hope they make it right by you.
I’m not a huge fan of chain restaurants, but finding independants is getting more and more difficult in the US. I’ve been to one Outback in Niagara Falls Canada and it was disappointing, food, price and service. I’m glad you’re experience was better.
Our experience was excellent. It was chain food in that you’d get the same meal anywhere you went probably. We only have independent restaurants up here other than fast food sandwich places. I don’t feel deprived.
I like the title, but no a nice thing to be stood up, I would seriously be mad.
But, on the bright side glad you enjoyed a good meal. The blooming onions, oh my, need to get to my chain restaurant.
LOL we had a great time anyway
So…how’s that woman from the PR company? Any apology as yet? How dreadful to have you drive all that way and leave you dangling. You have had such a week! I would have turned the car into just about any driveway with food at the end of it after that experience. I’ve never been to an Outback Steakhouse. We don’t have too many chain restaurants in my part of Sydney (relieved actually). But this looks like it’s just what you need after a long day and lots of driving xx
It made us laugh and it gave John an opportunity to say, “You” and “Americans” in the same sentence without getting whacked. No word from woman.
I love the Outback Steak House- there is one near where I live in Chula Vista, California (but I’m soon returning to Oz Land). They have reasonably priced steak and lobster tails, and great cocktails (but I hate tipping and adding the extra tax onto the tab). Maybe they’ll open up one in Adelaide (I doubt it, though. since the Sizzler restaurants there flopped).
The Long Star steakhouse that I used to go to in Ringwood (Melbourne) closed too. I don’t know how this Outback will do but it was full on a Thursday night. I’m ready for another onion.
Dear Maureen, So glad that things were the way you remembered.
Blessings dear, Catherine xo
It was a good night.
Oh, man! I can’t believe you were stood up. What a shame. Of course, you know I live in the land of Outback Steakhouse. As chains go, they’re not too bad. When we are traveling and don’t know what independent restaurants are around, we always look for Cracker Barrel or Sonny’s BBQ. We can’t help our Southerness..
Too bad that you spent 3 hours for a no show. Your time is just as valuable as anyone else’s. How rude! I rarely go to chain restaurants anymore, Maureen, though I once did. I much prefer going to a restaurant, or even diner, to the chains. Having behind a bar for a ridiculously low hourly wage, I couldn’t agree more about paying all servers a living wage. It would be so much more fair. Considering how much tip revenue goes unreported, I’m surprised our Gov’t doesn’t insist upon it.
Now I’m craving a blooming onion. It’s been too long.
I know, I know!
Damn you, girl! Now I will be craving bbq and fries and loaded potatoes and onion rings from now until I next get to Florida! Grrrrr…. it looks too good…
It’s not even 8:30 AM here, and now I want onion rings.