Welcome to In My Kitchen, a group of food bloggers who share what’s going on in their kitchens every month. It was set up by Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial and has grown from a few bloggers every month to heaps of bloggers. She’s done a great job and we’ve all made new friends and connections. Personally, I’ve found so many things in other bloggers’ kitchens that I’ve lusted for in my heart, rather like Jimmy Carter lusted after women – in his heart.
Here’s what went on in my kitchen for Thanksgiving 2015. We invited friends and John’s dad’s tablemates from Arcare nursing home to share the feast with us. Now Thanksgiving is a holiday I celebrate because I’m American as well as Australian but all these people were happy to join me and they all became my family.
One of our guests was John (he’s called Big John for obvious reason) from across the street. He loves his woodworking shop and he’s the one who gave me a gorgeous wooden platter and wooden bowl and this time he arrived with a tray with sides made from camphorwood – the best thing for food since it inhibits growth of bacteria. This was a test piece made with a new piece of equipment. I love it!
I received this wonderful tea from The Loose Leaf Tea House and the scent of these two teas are intoxicating. One was organic turmeric spice and this one is their Japanese Blossom tea and I swear it would work well as potpourri too. I fell in love with it.
Several weeks ago I got an email from Bobbi from Bam’s Kitchen telling me that I’d won a dehydrator from Crazy Sales in Sydney. It’s an online shop and they’re the ones who gave me the nifty tabletop ice maker that we love so much.
Now, I have to be honest and admit that I already have a dehydrator and I use it to dry sourdough starter. However, someone I like a lot didn’t have one. Celia gives a ton of sourdough starter away every year and when she dries hers it takes over the house for a few days. With a dehydrator it takes little space and only a few hours.
I gave Celia a call and said, “Do you still want a dehydrator because I have a brand new one that I don’t need.” I got her address and sent it on its way.
Life is funny because the next day, Charlie was woofing his head off and at the door was a man with you guessed it, In My Kitchen I have another dehydrator from Crazy Sales. Later that day I received an email from their rep asking me if I would like to write about it.
This brings me to my giveaway. Check my next post for information about how I dry my starter and how to get your own version of Celia’s “Priscilla” sourdough starter. It’s quite fantastic in that you really have to work at it to kill this sourdough starter. She survives neglect for weeks in the refrigerator and bounces right back. Several owners of Priscilla’s children are giving away starter for Christmas. The only requirement is that you name it something other than Priscilla.
Sally Newton from Bewitching Kitchen was talking about her new favorite book, The Food Lab by J Kenji-Alt and I casually mentioned that I would love that book. I use his pie crust recipe all the time. Fast forward a few weeks and the doorbell rings and she sent me the book!! Lopez-Alt is the culinary managing director of Serious Eats. I nearly fell over because I always feel unworthy.
It’s that good that I showed it to John. He liked it so much that he bought a copy for his son for his upcoming birthday. The book answers all the questions about why things work the way they do in the kitchen.
Finally, after weeks of playing pool police to keep him out, Charlie can again hop in the pool when he’s hot. He got the all-clear last week and not a minute too soon as the Sunday before Thanksgiving we had a bit of a family emergency. I was cooking and John walked in to the kitchen and said he had something in his eye. Without turning around from the stove I pointed to the sideboard and said, “I think your drops are in that drawer.”
He said, “uhhh, no, I have something IN my eye. There are big black swirls in it.” In a few hours he’d completely lost the vision in that eye and it keeps getting worse.
A quick trip to emergency and several doctors and a specialist called in and they were fairly certain it wasn’t a detached retina but didn’t really know what it was. Two more appointments with specialists and John was in the too-hard basket so off we went today to the eye clinic at a big hospital in Brisbane. He has detached jelly (who knew that this was common and if it is common, why didn’t the two opthalmologists here know about it??). Because it’s still bleeding and he can’t see anything, he has to have a vitrectomy.
Yeah, I didn’t know what it was either but they suck out the goo and there’s no easy way to say this, all the blood and then they zap where it’s bleeding with a laser and then replace the goo with gas or silicone oil (which has to be removed). Gross, I know! But, he cannot see anything out of his eye which means I’ve been driving him everywhere he needs to go. He loves to drive and today on the way to Brisbane I ended up saying, “Look, you have two choices, shut up or walk,” because he kept telling me which lane to be in, when to slow down, etc. He’s never been creepy like this before so I chalk it up to eye stress.
My apologies for being distracted for the past week or so.
Finally and this is a BIG finally. Celia and Fig Jam and Lime Cordial has hosted In My Kitchen for a long time and it’s a feature that’s very close to her heart – it’s her baby. She’s got a lot on her plate right now and needs a break. She asked me if I’d take over In My Kitchen for her until she’s ready to ask for it back. I was honoured and happy to do so. I will do my level best to list everyone quickly and post to my social media when new kitchens are added. I take over on January 1st and I hope you’ll join me so I won’t be all alone. xxoo
Oh darling, you’re so kind. I’m so grateful you were happy to take over hosting, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I’ll be posting every month, as will everyone else, if the comments on my post are anything to go by. Everyone is incredibly happy to have you in charge! I’m SO glad to hear John is going to be ok. And thank you again for the dehydrator! xxx
Aww, I’m glad we’re in this together. We don’t know for certain if he’s going to be okay but we’re hopeful. We should know more tomorrow after the next specialist appointment. This will be specialist appointment number NINE!
Wow, what a wonderful IMK post, Maureen. You’re a lovely legend, my friend… sharing your dehydrator with Celia… it will be put to good use there, and bringing all those friends in for Thanksgiving. I hope that you, John and little Charlie will be in better health in the new year… and I look forward to you hosting IMK. xx
I learned it by using you as my mentor, Liz.
I love the camphor wood dish so much! I saw some carved boards and bowls like this at one of the medieval festivals I attended. I confess I was itching to wood-burn them.
I know! It smells so good!!
I’m so sorry to read of John’s eye. I hope his vision clears up quickly after the procedure.
I love everything else about your blog today. The Thanksgiving guests, the wooden bowl (gorgeous! I have a soft spot for wood and bowls.), giving the gift to Celia… I’m happy to have found you through Celia’s blog. I found her in the last week. Thank you for taking over In My Kitchen.
I love your post, Maureen! Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving :)…..I want one of those Food Lab books! Serious East is one of my favorite sites.
Wow, that book is a real score! I haven’t gotten around to getting it yet — need to. You seem to be having a dehydrator rain shower at your house! Too many, too funny.
Always good to have a full house at Thanksgiving, isn’t it? Eye problems are scary — Mrs KR has had numerous torn retinas, so we’ve learned to attend to any problems ASAP. Glad John’s wasn’t more serious. Congrats on running In My Kitchen — totally love this series! So fun to see what everyone is up to. And last, always great to see a Charlie photo!
I really enjoy your in-my-kitchen posts, Maureen! The tea looks so soothing, I would love a cup of it right about now. Your dog is adorable as always
Oh Maureen, so sorry about poor John. Hope his recovery is quick & painless.
And brilliant news about you girls working together for In My Kitchen…you will be great!!
Great pics about many lovely things in your kitchen this month….AND so stoked for Charlie!
Merry Christmas month xx
Congratulations on taking over the IMK posts! And how fun sharing Thanksgiving with your new family
Wishing you well!
First of all, I’m so sorry about John’s eye…Driving in the literal and metaphorical sense does seem important to men….He is lucky to have you as a chauffeur…As are the lovely ladies / bloggers of In My Kitchen…Very tempted to join knowing you’ll be at the helm =)
And so generous of you to host and introduce Thanksgiving to Australian friends….Love the Japanese blossom tea…Good to know, too, about camphor wood =)
Keeping John in my prayers and thoughts. Glad you had a marvelous Thanksgiving.
In my Kitchen will be in good hands. Great Thanksgiving dinner shot and wow on that wooden platter. plus so many cool things. But my you guys have to stay healthy and hospital from now on!
Poor John … our eyes determine how we experience the world around us more than any of the others. Not being able to see, especially for an independent man must be devastating. I hope that the doctors can help him regain his sight to its fullest scope.
So many goodies in your kitchen. I had no real NEED for a dehydrator but seeing yours made me want one … just a bit.
I’m glad Charlie is back to being a water dog. And, I’m sure you’ll do a great job being the Celia fill-in until she’s ready to take up the reins again.
Hi Maureen! Love your kitchen posts! So sorry about John’s eye – Gary recently was diagnosed with wrinkled retinas ?? Who knew they could wrinkle! He is on eye drop medication and has another appointment soon. Charlie looks very happy when wet! I have a nice dehydrator and would be really interested in drying sour dough starter! We are still full from Thanksgiving and all the leftovers, but I’m also planning Christmas eats!
Drying sourdough starter is blissfully simple with a dehydrator. It comes out as a crackly piece of sourdough paper and you put it in the food processor and whiz. Into the fridge or freezer til needed.
Priorities: Hopes and prayers that John’s vitrectomy will be uneventful and his sight restored. That above all! It s quite a common procedure once one gets on the ‘better’ side of 50 . . . naturally worrisome . . . And congratulations on becoming the forthcoming host of IMK . . . as all have said, if the baton had to be passed, it was passed to the right person . . . all the best . . .
Surgery this afternoon. Fingers crossed. Surgeon said he couldn’t imagine why they didn’t do this as a matter of urgency when it happened. Ugh.
Glad I clicked back on: everything truly crossed! Maureen, I am only 110 kms S of Sydney and 40 kms from Bowral – and find exactly the same kind of happenings time and again here !! John’s situation is not uncomplicated but he is in the right place now . . . you both have had enough problems: hope and trust it is smiles in a few days . . .
The surgery is done but the prognosis isn’t good because of the delay.
Shit! [sorry] Was afraid of that . . . a few more very rude words and a sincere hope that the best will prevail . . . truly thinking of you two . . .
What a lovely story Maureen, you are such a great choice for the new IMK host. I will have to remember to join up. I get so busy I never think about it in time!
Thanks for sharing
Gourmet Getaways
I’m glad that they have diagnosed your husbands vision problem. Medical problems always seem less scary when they are named, fingers crossed that everything turns out well. Thank goodness you upped the game by going to a major medical center.
And, I look forward to you hosting IMK. I’ve only been a member for a year but it is the most amazing group.
Wonderful things in your kitchen, loved the picture of the gathering.
Hi Maureen, IMK is fortuanate that you are willing to take the reins from Celia, I think we’d all be bereft without our monthly fix of kitchen visits. I hope John will recover fully. BTW just love that camphor wood tray ?
I know, I love that tray too. He kept saying it was a ‘first attempt’ and future ones will be better. I don’t know if he meant I was going to get one!
sorry to hear about john’s eye. hubby’s uncle has been having terrible problems with his for ages but happily he has got enough vision back that he is allowed to drive again. i’m sure we are all looking forward to IMK with Maureen as host! hope you have a great and wonderful Xmas xxxx
Maureen I just a-dore that wooden platter/plate!!! Isn’t he clever. A bit heartfelt thank you I’m sending for taking over for the lovely Celia – I think many of us would be very sad to see this wonderful series go. Look forward to sharing another year of IMK’s!! Merry Christmas xxxx Jan xxxx
I know, I’d miss it if it were gone too. Celia’s life will slow down and she’ll be begging to take it back.
It’s her baby.
What a nice idea to send Celia the dehydrator! And poor John, that sounds terrible. I hope that he is ok. Good for you for taking over the reins of IMK.
Thank you Ma’am and I hope to see your kitchen soon? xxoo
Hi Maureen. Firstly, all the best to John. The tray big John made is gorgeous. I have already asked Maus if she could make one. I am also very interest in your book. I am off to Google it. It sounds great. Have a great festive season.
Thanks, we’re leaving in a few minutes for emergency surgery. Fingers crossed they can save his eye.
Wow – there’s certainly a lot happening in your world, let alone your kitchen, at the moment. It sounds like you’ll need more than a few restorative cups of that tea to get you through this. Best wishes. xxx
So much news, Maureen. I’m glad to see Charlie has recovered from his medical issues. But now John! If it’s not one thing, it’s another. I do hope John’s surgery goes well – what a shock to lose your sight in one eye! That was so kind of you to give the dehydrator to Celia – she will appreciate your kindness greatly. That was so lovely of you to invite those people for Thanksgiving – I bet they are still talking about it. I wish I could see photos of what you served xx
Dave once told me he drove better drunk than than I did sober! Needless to say I rarely drive him anywhere. Love your camphorwood tray and I now want a dehydrator. Never thought I would find such a good use as drying Cordelia
What a gorgeous wood tray. Brilliant thinking using your dehydrater for the starter!
Hopefully by now John is out of surgery and it’s been a total success. Between the three of you you’ve had your quota of doctor/vets appointments for 2015 AND 2016 so no more Ok?!
You and Celia must be the most considerate neighbours I’ve ever come across – I want to move in next to either of you. Although you can keep Big John too – his woodwork gifts are always gorgeous.
See you in 2016!
Love the Jimmy Carter reference! I know thanksgiving is an American celebration but as I get older I think we should take the time to have our own thanksgiving times. I don’t mean big hoo ha days, but quiet, respectful and celebratory of our families and loved ones. Welcome aboard as IMK host, Celia has done an amazing job and is handing on the baton to good hands. Cheers, hope John’s eye recovers well, he is good at scaring you isn’t he? Have a safe and love filled Christmas! Maree
Wow, such a crazy time you’ve had. Praying that John’s vision will be restored. I’ve never heard of anything like that either (I hate to admit I’m a former nurse). Hope the procedure goes well! Scott suddenly lost all of his peripheral vision a number of years ago so I know how scary that can be. They tested him for everything but it ended up being a ophthalmic migraine. Another thing I didn’t know existed!
I love that wood platter! Oh my, that eye thing doesn’t sound fun at all, hope he is better soon. And super cute doggie!
Looking forward to meeting up with you in January for the IMK post.
That’s terrific, Lori! I’d love to have a peek in your kitchen!
I hope you stop by!
What a wonderful surprise to see “the book” featured in your IMK post! Brought me a huge smile… as everything else did, including of course the mandatory photo of Charlie, so glad he can now dive into the pool…
sending you my very best vibes for John’s surgery – as I mentioned, you need some calm waters to surf through for at least a decade, I prefer three…
Wonderful that you will be hosting IMK and allowing Celia to take a break – you both are two of my favorite people and it’s nice to see this connection working so well….
Wow! There’s a lot going on here and I hope John’s surgery goes well. Your pup is adorable and looks cool and happy!
So sorry about John, hope his eye gets better soon. Wonderful things you have in your kitchen this month, love the wood tray.
Celia has done a wonderful thing with In My Kitchen. How lovely that she has you to carry on with it so she can take a break. I’ll try to participate. Too funny about the driving — my husband has difficulty letting me drive, too!
Your kitchen is very full of news this month. Hope John gets better soon. The In my Kitchen community is such a wonderful insight into other people’s kitchens and like you I have coveted many items in other people’s kitchen’s including your own.
Such a wonderful post, where do I begin? First off I love your Thanksgiving celebration. I remember celebrating in Germany and again in Austria in the 90s. It was fun to share our American tradition, even if it meant a roast chicken since we couldn’t find a turkey! That wood tray is absolutely gorgeous, I want to live across from big john too! I must show that to hubby so maybe he can make me one, wonder if he can find camphor wood?? Hopefully by now John is recovering well. Vision is certainly not something to mess around with. I have an aunt who is now legally blind due to macular degeneration. And finally thank you for taking over IMK. I’m sure you will do a fabulous job, bring on 2016. Okay, first we all need to survive the holidays! We’ll be toasting you at midnight soon enough!
I love this monthly feature and you’re so kind to take it over to give Celia a break. Ugh, I’m so sorry about John’s eye, but at least it can be repaired. So scary for you both!
Lots of things to share this month! Glad to see the smiling Australian faces celebrating Thanksgiving.
Sorry to hear about John and the detached retina. That couldn’t be very much fun.
I am looking forward to tagging along with all the IMK posts with you from the new year Maureen.
Mandy xo
So sorry to hear about your Charlie – unfun!
Have a super day.
So lovely for you to step in and keep IMK going. I love seeing everyone’s post each month. Your post is just beautiful – I’d love one of those wooden platters! Here is my contribution to the link up: http://goodfoodweek.com.au/2015/12/life-whats-in-my-kitchen-7/
Hello Maureen, thanks for the look into your kitchen! The wooden platter is gorgeous. I look the hue of the wood and the citrus fruit was a great idea for showing it off. I’m part American so I celebrate Thanksgiving, too but we also share with family and friends who aren’t American. It’s a lovely holiday, isn’t it? Your table looks fantastic!
I hope John’s eye recovers well and that he is up and it driving in no time. I can understand how scary it must be to lose your sight.
Finally, good luck with IMK hosting from next month! I hope to be there with bells on!
Haha – love how you slid that in about Jimmy Carter – and look at that table – what a bunch of happy faces and delicious eats!
I sure hope John’s eye heals quickly Maureen – that sure must have been so scary! Glad Charlie is back to his usual antics in the pool – so glad to catch up!
Oh gosh – poor John!! I have very little ‘goo’ in my eyes and have been told one day I’ll probably get a detached retina, so those sorts of stories freak me out a bit! I hope he is recovering.
Lovely news that you will be hosting IMK from January too (sad as it is to see Celia go, she’s done an amazing job for a long time, and I will enjoy checking in your site instead
Sorry to hear about Johns eye… ouch. Hope he mends quickly. Your Thanksgiving table looks amazing – full of friends, fun and food. So glad you you’ve got your hands on the baton for IMK next year.
Really sorry to hear about the eye. Really hope he feels better soon. On a lighter note Charlie is gorgeous as ever.
You are too sweet to host for all them, so kind. I am sure they all had fun.
Love coming back and reading about whats going on in your world Maureen! Xx
I hope all goes well with John’s eye and it’s healed in no time. You are a lovely person Maureen, hosting all the extras for Thanksgiving and sharing your dehydrator. I am fascinated with the sour dough starter – that is new to me – but I’ll be checking that out! Have a wonderful week.
I’m so sorry about John’s eye and I do hope he recovers quickly. Eyes generally heal very fast (I’ve had a few issues of my own). Lucky you, I’ve wanted a dehydrator forever. My dear Mom had one when I was a kid but it was a cheapie and wasn’t all that good so it kind of turned me off them. Years of innovation and technology surely created a good, affordable one.
Congratulations for taking over hosting In My Kitchen, you’re a natural. I do love reading about all the lovely things in everyone’s kitchens. BTW, we did kill Bob (son of Priscilla) but not intentionally, he died a heroic death in the oven where he was drying with just the light on…and someone (who shall remain nameless) turned on the oven and brutally murdered Bob.
Love that you invited the table mates of John’s father, so nice of you.
We are so lucky to have you take up the IMK baton (IMK wooden spoon?!) to give Celia a break. Thank you. The wooden bowl is very lovely, a beautiful Thanksgiving present. Your comment about driving with John made me smile, and made remember a similar ‘conversation’ with my Fella as I chauffeured him after his knee operation!
Thank you for stepping in and being the future host of IMK, it’s one of my favourite times of each month. Hope John’s eye problems eventually go away and you are both able to enjoy life a little bit more. Wishing you a wonderful month ahead Maureen x
Maureen, I love this series!
Wishing you and everyone many holiday blessings!
I look forward to the dry starter post!
Happy thanksgiving to you and yours! What a treasure that lovely tray is. I simply adore woodworking.
You have so many lovely friends in your life… your kitchen post is just full of love.
I am thinking positive thoughts towards John’s eye, and hope that it turns out well. May your festive season be merry and bright, and looking forward to having you host next month!
How thoughtful of you to give Celia the extra dehydrator! And so lovely that she in turn uses it to give other people sourdough starters too! I love the boundless generosity of the food blogging community!
What a great use for a dehydrator. You won’t be alone next month. Best wishes ,F.
Now I have some more room, a dehydrator is definitley on my list so I’ll take a look at that website. The tea looks very pretty indeed. Thanks for being our new host Maureen!
What a lot of generosity in this post – that augurs well for you to take over In My Kitchen and Celia’s generosity. So much sharing. I am intrigued by drying the starter in the dehydrator – had never thought of a good use for dehydrators like that! Your thanksgiving looks wonderful but I am sorry to hear of John’s eye problems – best of luck for some clever doctors who can fix it. And best wishes with IMK – am delighted to hear you are taking over the reins – am sure you will do a great job of it.
Love your IMK posts, what a gathering you had in Thanksgiving… I love Thanksgiving with the gathering of friends here.. Lovely season very joyful. Sorry to hear about Joh’s condition. Luck you to get all these goodies and to have the chance to give to friends :).
Sorry to hear about John’s eye, not a pleasant thing to happen & I hope it’s on the mend now. Congratulation on being care taker of IMK, it’s such a lovely community. See you in 2016
I’m glad for the good news! John is better and Charlie is in shape ! Congrats for your future hosting! Have a nice weekend!
Where do I start? Love the holiday spread. Love the wooden platter from Big John, love the dehydrator that you generously shared with a friend. Sorry about your husband’s eye trouble. I can imagine how stressful that must be- wishing him and you the best.
Happy Holiday!
Wow, what a busy month you have dealt with! Here’s wishing you a calmer, less worrisome 2016. Thanks for taking the IMK lead and keeping the community flourishing.
What a wonderful collection of kitchen images and a lovely group at your table. I adore Celia and am thrilled that you are taking over the kitchen posts. I have a feeling she needs to lighten her work load a bit. Although I almost never participate in these wonderful 1st of the month posts I Love the Idea. My kitchen is always such a mess. Mine would have to be a collection of Mess in my Kitchen images. Lovely to meet you and Have a wonderful day. celi
I love your blog, Ceclia and I look forward to a peek into your farm kitchen. With all the work you do, I’m not surprised there’s little time for keeping a ‘magazine kitchen’.
Hello. It’s my first visit here and I lived reading this post Interesting about using the dehydrator for the sour dough starter. Will look more into that in the new year. My current kitchen makes include baking seven different varieties of Scandinavian cookies for Christmas. I try to use photo tutorials where I can and share all my recipies. I will be back UK read your blog again. Thanks so much x
Good luck for taking over as host for these posts I love having a peek in your kitchen. I really must get organised and join in at some point!
“all these people were happy to join me and they all became my family” — wrap that up in a great big bow of a hug and your kitchen (and life) is complete. Merry Christmas, Maureen!
Oh my goodness! That IS a lot on your plate! I surely hope your husband is up to his new “normal” soon. I was imagining what it would be like at my house given the same circumstances and I too would be having to say, “shut up or walk”. Prayers for a safe return to every day life.
Happy new year Maureen and best of luck with the In My Kitchen theme which I love participating in each month. What a lovely gathering you had and I am sure the friends from the nursing home were delighted too. Love your wooden platter it’s very beautiful. Always great to have some cooking science on hand and I am sure it is an interesting book to own. Hope your husband much better now.
Getting me all excited for Christmas Maureeen!
Thanks for your generosity in this post. I’ve got myself a dehydrator also, not sure if it’s a little too much ?
Merry Christmas in advancce!