Happy New Year! My first post as host of In My Kitchen while Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial takes a much earned break. In My Kitchen is a group of food writers and bloggers who share what’s going on in their kitchens at the first of every month. If you’d like to be linked here, link to my blog in your post and simply send an email to maureen [at] orgasmicchef.com and I’ll add you. Any In My Kitchen post that’s published before the 10th of the month will be added.
Come on, join in the fun. I’d LOVE to have a peek in your kitchen this month.
Life’s been busy around here.
John and I invited his dad’s tablemates for lunch on Christmas Eve and we had a lovely time. The quinoa and potato salads were a hit and recipes requested which made me feel good. On Christmas we brought John’s mum and dad over it was the first year that his mum didn’t ‘get’ Christmas. It was a bit sad for Rob, but we accept that’s the disease. Dementia sucks.
Rob’s birthday is on Friday and he will be 95. Not too bad, eh?
In my kitchen this month is this lovely book on pairing sparkling wine with food from Paired Media.
If you want to know what food goes with Champagne or sparkling wine, this is the book for you!
I went to a Christmas party for the annual boat parade, I met our host’s nephew Jake who told me about a former medical scientist co-worker who scrapped the job and moved to South Australia to learn how to make wine. Jake told me about his friend Tarrant Hansen and his wife Melanie along with their little girl who pulled up stakes and headed for the Adelaide Hills. I was given a bottle of Spider Bill Wines 2014 Chardonnay from grapes grown in Piccadilly Valley, South Australia.
Seriously, any wine grown in Piccadilly Valley should be good and after tasting it, I wanted another bottle. Not content to stop learning, Tarrant is now in South Africa learning more about producing good wine.
Everyone who knows me knows how much I love Maggie Beer’s cooking. It’s not pretentious but always delicious. This cookbook will become a good friend in no time at all.
My brother sent these two pairs of Christmas earrings that he made. I love them both but the little Christmas trees are my favourite. Can you believe this is the first time I have ever worn dangly earrings for more than five minutes? These lasted nearly an hour. In the photo above with Rob, I noticed that I’d already removed them and left them on the placemat. Shocking behaviour.
I love crackers and cheese with just a touch of quince paste so this treat was very well received.
Not everyone gives pasta sauce as a Christmas gift but when the maker says it’s ‘sensational’ right on the label, it’s certainly worth giving, right? I’ll let you know how it works out for me.
I was asked by the Ile De France people if I would try their cheese and it arrived in this lovely basket but it arrived on a 38C day in a box with nothing to keep the cheese cool and was left on the front doorstep – no knocking. I suppose at Christmas they are busy so they run and leave packages at the door.
The cheese was really hot and I couldn’t find anyone who’d try cheese that hadn’t been refrigerated for days. Would you? Maybe I’m weird but every cheese I’ve eaten has been chilled before bringing to room temperature for eating. I guess I won’t be winning the tickets.
Finally, here’s my second-best mate Charlie who’s wondering if Santa was going to bring him lots of treats for all the Instagram posing he’s done this year. (He did)
Please join in the In My Kitchen fun and share with us what’s going on in your kitchen this month? Everyone is welcome. I hope 2016 is a wonderful year for you and all those you love.
Happy New Year, lovely Maureen!! Thanks so much for hosting! Here’s my post: http://figjamandlimecordial.com/2016/01/01/in-my-kitchen-january-2016/
I’m sorry John’s still not quite right – I hope the eye sorts itself soon. How lovely that you had the oldies for dinner! Your brother’s earrings are magnificent! But I’m confused about the book – I thought everything went with champagne?
Much love and good wishes for 2016 to you all! xxx
LOL I have to admit I did think, “What doesn’t go with champers?” Nothing in my book. Fingers crossed on the eye. It’s not a success yet but I’m very hopeful.
I’m with you, Maureen. (And Celia!) After a glass or two of bubbly, everything pairs well with it.
Hoping your beloved “sees straight” (or unobstructed-ly) soon. You have been through SO much this past year… sorry to hear about John’s Mum’s first Christmas not “realizing.” Rob looks robust for almost 95! And what can I say about Charlie? A true gent and such a photographic pooch! Hoping to have my post up & running in the next day or two (link forthcoming) for your debut as hostess of IMK, xo.
P.S. I had a cheese shipment like yours once — middle of summer (100 F here) and I got a postcard from UPS (10 days later…) saying to come pick up my “perishable package” at their warehouse. No thanks!!! Happy New Year! xo
Charlie is so cute. I have rediscovered Maggie Beer lately- well before Christmas at least. Very reliable recipes. Have a great year Maureen and I look forward to joining you here on IMK. Thanks for being our host.
Francesca, thank you for joining in on IMK – I love having a peek at what goes on in other kitchens. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Maureen! I have to admit I don’t see the point in the champagne book either – doesn’t everything go?! I’m with you on the cheese – especially on such a warm day – what a shame it went to waste.
Charlie is as handsome as ever – those eyes:)
My post is up too – https://www.plusatesix.com/2016/01/in-my-kitchen-january-2016/
Thank you for taking over the hosting – I do love snooping around the links x
I seriously don’t think the book publishers would consider me their target audience. I would eat anything with any wine as long as I liked it. Never have been good at rule following
It’s sad isn’t it, seeing the winds of change blow in to leave new images on people we love at different stages of their life. As you said, just try and accept it as part of the disease but that does not always make it easy. Hope John’s eye comes good soon. Happy New Year, cheers Maree. Oh, I would eat the cheese after I’d inspected it and made a call based on a few factors. Good digestion (maturation) of the curds has a fairly wide acceptable temp range.
Hi Maureen Happy New Year. Love all of your goodies but especially Charlie. pity about the cheese. I got something similar recently, melty cheese xxx
Did you eat the cheese that hadn’t been kept cool? Everyone here was afraid of getting sick over the holidays. Is cheese good that has been in a hot truck over Christmas?
Congratulations on hosting IMK! Maureen the exact same thing happened with my cheese-except it went to my agency’s office on a Friday afternoon and with no indication to refrigerate it, it stayed on a desk all weekend. What an odd way to do a send out because the cheese would have been so nice to try!
The basket of cheese was really lovely and I’m sure it would have tasted good. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to think it could have been done differently. Happy New Year, Lorraine!
I’m surprised the cheese wasn’t in a chilled bag or some such thing. I’d be a bit nervous to eat it under those circumstances too. I love crackers and cheese with a little fruit paste too (see my IMK post :)). So glad to hear Charlie was on Santa’s “nice” list. He deserves all the treats with that face alone. Thanks for taking over the hosting of IMK Maureen. Wishing you and yours all the very best for 2016. x
My post: http://milk-and.blogspot.com.au/2016/01/in-my-kitchen-january-2016.html
I’m SO glad you joined me for my first outing on IMK, Jennifer. Happy New Year to you too!
How exciting to be hosting your first In My Kitchen. I think I would also be funny about the cheese, also I’d just be a bit annoyed about the lack of care in their postage etc. I’m sorry to hear about John and his mum, it must be terribly hard.
It is sad about John’s mum but it is what it is and we do our best to validate her nutty stories and not think anything is odd when she wears a winter coat, hat and scarf in 38C weather or that she eats with her fingers. Having her happy and not angry is the goal.
Hi Maureen, happy new year love. I hope you and John have a better year, healthwise. And wishing you lots of good things. Not sure I will get a post out for January… I will see how I go. Cheers for now xx
I love little Charlie ? Enjoy hosting IMK, it’s such a great community.
Happy New Year!
Love your brother’s earrings, you are such a talented family. Happy and Healthy 2016 to you and your loved ones.
Happy New Year and all the best for 2016!
And a big thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments. It’s much appreciated!
Happy New Year! Sending you best wishes for a happy and healthy 2016 – with a few wishes come true for good measure…
Happy New Year Maureen !!! I’m so happy found you through the blogs! You are so sweet and generous !
Happy Birthday to Rob, 95 years is just great!
I would like to participate it ‘in my kitchen” I’m gonna make a post and I will send to you! xo
Happy, Healthy New Year to you! I look forward to sharing more posts with each other in 2016. Your little pup is a great model. I’m sure you showered him with something wonderful!
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year! Totally in love with Charlie’s photo…. my gosh, he is simply too too cute!
great to see your first post as the hostess… great job as usual!
here is the link to my IMK post
Happy New year Maureen, Charlie really does look like he is waiting for something special, what a beautiful dog. Lovely things in your kitchen, take care!
Always fun to read posts on individual kitchens. And Charlie…what a cutie. Wishing you the best of 2016
Maureen, a happy and healthy New Year to you and your family. I hope John feels better soon. Thank you for hosting ” in your kitchen “.
Happy New Year Maureen!
Lovely gathering with the oldster’s from Rob’s home. Very sad that John’s mum has gotten to that point in her deterioration. I guess keeping her healthy and as involved and happy as you can is the best you can hope for.
Adorable earrings. I’d wear them all day. Even before Xmas.
So many food goodies. The cheese would have made me give them a pass too. Contact them and tell them the situation. They should send you a refrigerated package if they want you to try the stuff.
Of course Charlie is going to get treats. He’s been a good boy this year … as always.
This was a fun read and then of course there is that adorable photo of Charlie. I’m just glad you seem to be getting on better; I’m thinking you are the glue!
Happy New Year Maureen!!!
Although I don’t blog or do IMK posts I love peeking into others kitchens! The earrings are lovely. I had to go back and check out the picture to see about the earrings on the table. Lol Hopefully John’s eye will be better soon. Charlie looks so cute. Perfect pose for the day before Christmas. I agree about the cheese. Too bad because the gift basket looks so appealing!
Oh, thanks for the directions on drying and starting up the starter again! I will be trying it out soon. So far Sherwood has been very resiliant even if I am a bit late sometimes with feeding him.
Wishing you a Happy New Year!
I love the name Sherwood!!!
I think you should blog.
Happy New Year, Maureen. We are back home (arrived last night), and we did have a wonderful time in your part of the world. However, it was frantic and oh so busy but we were able to rest a bit on the trip home where we stopped for three nights in Brisbane and two nights in Stuarts Point. Next time I come up we must share a meal together. I’ll remember not to buy you any dangly earrings. I can’t believe the cheese arrived without being in a cooler bag. And Charlie! He definitely looks like he’s searching for Santa – so cute! xx
I love the earrings. I just have to get used to wearing them. I have some from Celia and I wear them (for a while) too.
Happy New Year Maureen!!! Looks like a great day at your place even with a few things not being the best. I don’t think I would have chanced the cheese either – what a shame. Charlie – he’s the sweetest!!!
I’ve just put up my post and here is the link http://agluttonouswife.blogspot.com.au/2016/01/in-my-kitchen-january-2016.html
Thanks again for hosting this wonderful series,
Jan x
Hi Maureen! I love reading your Kitchen posts! You are so upbeat and positive with all that you are dealing with. My best wishes for you and all of your family in 2016! And, of course, Charlie is as cute as a button! Does anyone say that anymore?
Peace and happiness, but above all better health for the coming year. Methinks you made quite a few people happy this Yule . . . blessings . . . Congratulations to Rob on achieving such a milestone: so lucky to be living so close to you. John: do hope there will be improvement: fingers crossed . . . Charlie’s photo incomparable as usual . . . Oh, Maggie Beer: Yule would not be Yule without her quince paste for sure! Get her monthly magazine, buy from her often and am thrilled to have enrolled in her Foundation. Making old people’s nutrition more healthy and less boring is a fabulous aim methinks
Your post makes me want to do Christmas all over again, Maureen! Your brother’s gift earrings are darling. And Charlie looks like the front of a Christmas card =) And you certainly demonstrated the spirit of the season by inviting the elders over. (Yes, Rob is inspiring.) Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year =)
Happy HAPPY New Year lovely Maureen! So rad you are hosting IMK too. I am going to join in the festivities this year, it fun taking a peak in others kitchens. Ha! Love the Chrissy earrings, adding that idea for this years gifts, and Charlie…. What a legend! Hope you are enjoying the first few days of the year, and that your 2016 is ACE!
I can’t wait to see your kitchen – you are always so full of surprises. Happy New Year, my sweet friend!
???? ?????? and happy new year to you and your family Maureen. I loved a snoop into your kitchen this month – but I am devastated by your cheese tragedy, such a shame!! I hope you have some long, lovely summery days ahead sipping on that chilled white wine and reading the delightful Maggie Beer book. Here’s my post for this month:
xx xx xx
My Greek greeting of happy new year seems to have turned into question marks…so I’ll try that one again…Kali Xronia – happy new year!! xx xx xx
Happy New Year! It looks like you have some terrific things in your kitchen. I love trying new fooodstuffs. There is an endless array of wonderful products out there. Let’s all have a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2016!
Wishing you and your family, including Charlie, a happy and blessed new year .
I always love you kitchen posts Maureen, it shows so much more than your kitchen, a little insight into your whole life. And of course, Charlie. He gets me every time, so adorable.
Dear Maureen,
You’ve done a great job with the earrings coz I can’t recall wearing earrings, ever!
I am curious about the champagne book as my favourite things to go with the bubblies are strawberries, oysters, caviar and smoked salmon on croutons. Rob looks awesome at 95 and hope John gets better soon. Best to you & family for 2016 wuth more deliciousness from the kitchen!
Happy New Year! I think all our kitchens are well stocked after the holidays. So sorry about the cheese—what a shame. I had some chocolate delievered this summer and they didn’t survive the heat, either. I’m glad Charlie had a nice holiday!!
Happy New Year maureen! May 2016 be everything your hope for and more. Looks like you had a great Christmas holiday. I would have happily enjoyed your warm cheese:-)
Looking forward to all your posts in 2016.
This is a truckload of great stuff Maureen and yes, I would definitely try a tiny bit of the cheese. You don’t have to refrigerate butter, remember? Happy New Year!! – All good things to you – and everyone – you’re such a support to all your peeps!! xx, Mary
Happy New Year Maureen! Lots of health to everyone! So many delicious new bites and books this month!
Happy New Year, Maureen! Hope the year ahead is filled with good health, much laughter and plenty of deliciousness.
Charlie deserves to make it onto a Christmas card
I love the look of that pasta sauce and your Christmas earrings are beautiful. I’m also so delighted you are taking on the IMK baton! I’ve just put my post up – http://www.bitesizedthoughts.com/2016/01/in-my-kitchen-january-2016.html
Happy new year Maureen, and thanks for hosting! So sad about that cheese, just what were the PR people thinking?!
For me, Christmas is all about family and food, and looks like yours was a lovely celebration, despite all the hard parts.
Here’s my post for the month: http://www.withafork.com/2016/01/whats-in-my-kitchen-january-2016.html
Happy 2016 Maureen – it’s a shame you didn’t get to enjoy some beautiful cheese over Christmas. I’m sure the company will never ‘just leave’ goods at the door again! I’m very eager to get my hands on some of the Pukara Estate pepper & olive smoked salt flakes – I’ll be heading to the store very soon to get some! I hope John is on the mend very soon and I’m sure all your love & care is doing wonders
Looking forward to a great year of great inspiration from #IMK this year http://missfoodfairy.com/2016/01/04/n-my-kitchen-january-2016/
Happy New Year Maureen! Congratulations on being the new In My Kitchen hostess. Fingers crossed John’s eye improves soon. How odd that the cheese wasn’t in some type of cooler bag, don’t think I would try it either. As for the champagne book, I thought everything went with bubbly! Guess I am not their target reader.
My post is up: http://feedingmy3sons.com/2016/01/05/in-my-kitchen-january-2016/
That’s lot of great stuff going on in your kitchen! I wonder if the Sensational Pasta Sauce will live up to its name
Happy New Year!
Hi there… here is my post http://www.bizzylizzysgoodthings.com/blog/in-my-kitchen-january-holidays-2016
Happy New Year Maureen
Cheers to a magic 2016 filled with many tasty morsels and plenty of bubbles!
Sending healing vibes to John too, hope his eye recovers soon.
Hi Maureen,
It is so lovely of you to have Rob’s tablemates to lunch. I bet they really appreciate it.
Here is a link to my IMK post. Thanks so much for hosting it.
BTW Charlie is as gorgeous as always.
Hi Maureen, Happy New Year! I’m very glad you’ve taken up the baton from Celia and are now hosting the IMK posts. Here’s my contribution: https://americanfoodieabroad.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/in-an-athens-holiday-kitchen/
Lovely picture of Charlie – hope his Christmas wishes came true!
I think your Charlie and my Monty would be great mates! I love Maggie Beer’s recipes too, in fact I have a cake in the oven right now made to her recipe. I hope it’s delicious. It’s hard to give an objective appraisal of a product that hasn’t been treated well, that’s for sure. It’s fabuous that you can give Celia a break, IMK is the best. Here’s my post for January.
Happy New Year Maureen, here’s to 2016 being a good one! What a shame about that yummy cheese, I had a similar tragedy with a different brand it got left in the post office over a very hot weekend in North Queensland, there was no way I was eating it after that!
Thank you for hosting IMK, here is my contribution http://www.boiledeggsandsoldiers.com/2016/01/kitchen-january-2016/
What a joyful look at what’s in your kitchen and a seat at your table Maureen. I see you didn’t put Charlie in a Christmas suit like my teens insisted with Hazel… for about 5 minutes. All the best for 2016. Here’s what was in (and out of) my kitchen http://mycustardpie.com/2016/01/05/no-more-leftovers-in-my-kitchen-january-2016/
Thanks for hosting.
A wonderful peek into your kitchen! I noticed you hosted and invited readers to join. How does that work? Sounds like fun!
Happy New Year Maureen. I am hoping to still be able to join in this month’s IMK, if not I look forward to catching up with everyone next month.
Mandy xo
Have a happy day.
Happy New Year Maureen! Looks like you had a lovely, warm holiday
Happy New Year! LOVE the picture of Charlie! He deserves loads of treats.
Fun peek into your kitchen — thanks.
Happy 2016 Maureen!!!! What a nice post to start the year! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas and love all of the goodies in your kitchen! I keep going back to check out the sticky fig and salt flakes. Need to hunt those down!
Hope John’s eye is going better. Not a fun thing to have to deal with, I’m sure.
Happy new year Maureen – and thanks for taking up the baton from Celia.
I don’t think I’d be eating cheese that was actually hot either, unless I’d had it in the oven. Who knows how long it was in that condition in the truck!
Okay, my dear… here ’tis…
I really haven’t found any food that doesn’t go with Champagne.
It sounds like Christmas and new year’s were very nice. Wishing you all the best in the new year.
Thanks for hosting, Maureen!
I love the earrings – I think the Christmas tree ones would be my favourite, too! I have some allergies so I always take them off after a while – you’ve reminded me that I need to search for 2 (or 3) pairs that I wore over this Christmas.
Loving your books, the sensational pasta sauce and the cheese! While my family tends to leave the Brie out a bit, I don’t think I’d leave it out in that hot of weather! What a pity as it seems like a lovely gift.
Happy Birthday to Rob, 95 is a great age!
Here is my post: http://spooninasaucepan.com/2016/01/07/in-my-kitchen-january-2016/
Oh, and Happy New Year to you all! I hope Charlie had a great Christmas! He is quite the beautiful model!
Aww, I love hearing about what’s going on behind-the-scenes! Those photos of the parents are wonderful – what a great capture of a happy memory.
I would totally DRINK that tomato sauce… DRINK IT I tell you! Lots of lycopene down the hatch!
I was here on Monday and my comment would not publish…an error came up (at least I think it was Monday!).
Such a gorgeous collection of goodies in your kitchen this month Maureen, it’s such a shame that the cheese was out so long (mind you, I probably would have tried it!). What an adorable photo of Charlie, he totally looks like he’s posing.
Happy New Year my dear Aussi/American friend. XOXO
Happy new year to you and your family Maureen. May this year only brings happiness in your way.
Best of luck with the In My Kitchen posts Maureen and a happy new year. Just realized that I attached my post to the wrong year… lol. Have fixed that now. Love bread and butter pudding and your sounds really delicious. I have never made it with banana bread, maybe I will give it a try sometime
Bummer about the cheese!
Ever since New Years I’ve been craving bubbly wine constantly. I haven’t had it in the longest time and forgot how good it was until that evening! Your picture is not helping
Happy New Year Maureen! Oh I definitely need that ‘Paired’ book – I am no good at matching drinks to food! And you just can’t go wrong with Maggie Beer’s products, can you!!
Happy New Year Maureen – what a post to kick off IMK 2016! I also had the ‘Paired’ book in my kitchen this month – it’s a great book and I gave one away as part of my inaugural Christmas Giveaway.
Here is my post for this link up: http://goodfoodweek.com.au/2016/01/life-whats-in-my-kitchen-8/
Happy New Year Maureen.
Here is my IMK post
Happy New Year to you, Maureen! Your story about the warm cheese being left on the doorstep reminds me of the time I left a box of chocolates on my brother’s doorstep- their dog opened the box and ate the entire contents- only the wrappers and empty box were left. The dog had a grin on his face- who ever said that chocolate is poison for dogs!
Yes, I’d eat the cheese but it would have to be chilled slightly (the opposite I know) and then pretty much consumed straight away. I won a prize from Pep Saya a few years back and the same thing happened. By the time I got home, everything was liquid. I love Pukara Estate products and I can that will be another to add to the list! I did ping you on twitter to let you know my post was up but you may have missed it. cheers! http://www.tiffinbitesized.com.au/2016/01/05/in-my-kitchen-january-2016/
Ohhh those earrings! Just beautiful! I had a food parcel left in the hot sun too, fortunately it was okay as I was only gone about an hour and I don’t mind melted chocolate! Here’s a link to my IMK post for this month: http://www.veganopoulous.com/2016/01/08/in-my-kitchen-january-2016/
Happy new year Maureen. Thanks again for taking on IMK. Sounds like a lovely christmas! And it is lovely that you had John’s mum over even if she doesn’t get christmas – I hope there is part of her who knows you still. (My dad never stopped believing that about his mum even when she didn’t seem to recognise anyone) I love the earrings – your brother sounds very clever and thoughtful. And so much lovely food. that smoked salt sounds intriguing.
I have written up my In my kitchen post at http://gggiraffe.blogspot.com.au/2016/01/in-my-kitchen-january-2016.html
And what a lovely IMK host you are! I do hope to get my tangled schedule straightened out to join in again.
Your kitchen is absolutely filled with cheery tidbits to keep your spirits up in the midst of it all. Happy New Year, Maureen, to you and all those you hold dear!
Your Christmas sounds delightful, Maureen. Unlike many of your commentators, my eye was caught by the Chardonay rather than the champagne!
I hope I am not too late to add my IMK post to the list. It has been a busy week. It’s okay if I have missed the boat, and I will do better next time!
Happy New Year Maureen and thank you for hosting this lovely series. Lovely things in your kitchen but I’m with Celia, I think everything goes with sparkling wine and champagne…even pizza.
Here is a link to my post:
Hi Maureen,
Thank you for taking on the job as host for IMK. I’m sure it must be time consuming, but you would read lots of interesting posts.
Here is my post
Happy New Year Maureen and thank you for hosting! Beautiful earrings and other goodies in your kitchen.
My post is up at :
I’d love a second-best mate Charlie too in my kitchen but I have the same Maggie Beer cook book – I’m a fan as well.
Wishing you and your all the best for 2016.
My post is at https://elladeewords.wordpress.com/2016/01/09/in-my-kitchen-living-it/
Sounds like a lovely and busy time of the year. I believe Charlie is looking out for ya’ll though.
I would love to join your tribe of food bloggers participating in “In my kitchen”. Would I simply link to your blog and then email? So simple. I’ll do my best to post at the beginning of February. Thanks and blessings and prayers for a month of healing and wonder.
Happy New Year Maureen! How special that you were able to spend Christmas with the old folk…although it is a bit bittersweet when one does not quite understand the meaning of Christmas. It pulls on the heart strings. Charlie is certainly charming. Glad he got lots of goodies at Christmas. All the best to you!
Here is my IMK post: http://tableofcolors.com/2016/01/09/the-day-christmas-left-cloudberry-cake/
Happy New Year Maureen! Sending wishes of health and wellness to you and John for 2016. Wonderful post full of festivities. Thanks again for hosting IMK
Here is my IMK: http://www.milktoastandhoney.co.uk/in-my-kitchen-january-2016/
Happy New Year!
I love these posts of yours they are always so much fun.
I love smoked salt. thanks for hosting maureen. so sad about your MIL. We visited hubby’s mum today and i don’t think she recognised us at first. love the photo of charlie- what a cutie. how crazy not to ring your bell or knock when they are delivering perishables. Have a great year.
I have emailed my post (hope it’s not too late). I have noticed other people adding it to their comment so here it is also:
Maureen, I’ve been looking forward to this day since the end of last month… coffee and IMK, yay! Sorry to wait until the 10th — probably way past the 11th there — until everybody posted to start perusing their kitchens, but my crazy schedule (and personal life) have precluded it, as you well know. Thanks again for jumping in and “carrying on.” You’re doin’ GREAT, kiddo!
Congratulations on you first successful IMK for 2106 I’m sure there will be many more to come!
I was away and missed the deadline, but I will try to get back into the swing of things ASAP 

Looks like you are well and will be getting lots of inspiration from your new cook books
I’ll be praying that John gets better soon!
I use smoked salt for so many things… and I too have never found a food that does go with a bottle of Veurve
Liz xx
Congratulations on your first IMK! I’ve been following this series for a while now, but this year I’ve decided to take the plunge and join in! I know I’m a little late for January, but I will have myself more organised for next time!
Thanks for hosting Maureen and so many lovely things in your kitchen. I especially love that fab pic of Charlie!
I have yet to test it but I have a sneaky suspicion that champagne would pair gloriously with a juicy burger.
Congratulations on hosting your first IMK! I’ve been following this series for a while now, but this year I’ve decided to take the plunge and join in! I know I’m a little late for January, but I will have myself more organised for next time!