Needless to say, there isn’t much new in my kitchen but hopefully I will redeem myself with my December post after I’ve been feeling good for over a month. One can only hope.
One thing that IS new is that I met Celeste Brignac online one day when I found these really cute Australian themed playing cards. She’s also an American (from Louisiana) in Australia but she lives in the next town over from me. We haven’t met in person yet but I hope to one day.
As every American visiting Australia or talking with an Australian, there’s this pesky slang we have to learn just to keep up. Yes, one of the first ones I learned was that I was a septic tank – rhyming slang for yank.
Celeste has created a deck of cards with Australian images and slang (and its meaning). I think they are so cute and they’re a great souvenir or gift. I’m keeping mine but I think I’ll buy another couple of decks at All Oz Cards for my sister to remind her of what a great time we had during her recent visit.
Coming up soon on the blog and still in my kitchen is orange marmalade. This is one of the original photos I took but after I ate some on toast I opened all the jars and dumped it in the Thermomix and recooked it and chopped it up more finely. I love it now.
We’ve been visiting Dan the Mango Man every few days because John’s dad loves mangoes. He can eat a big bowl of them every morning along with his fresh squeezed orange juice and the rest of his breakfast. There’s still nothing wrong with his appetite!
Finally, in my kitchen is Charlie sporting his summer haircut. I like him heaps better as a fuzzy dog but he gets hot and he finds it difficult to crawl out of the pool if he’s got a heavy coat. He swims about 10 times a day and maybe I’ll take some photos of how he amuses himself in the pool.
Thanks for visiting and if you’d like to peek in other kitchens, head on over to Celia’s page at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial where you’ll find heaps of kitchens well decked out.
Aww look at Charlie’s expression!
So irresistible! And I’ve had Dan the Mango Man’s stuff-it’s delicious!
I like that Dan’s mangoes come straight from Bowen and are not gassed to ripen. They are incredibly sweet. I’m wearing several on my backside at the moment. This must change.
Those cards are hilarious – although some of them (like the glass one) are likely unfamiliar to me despite growing up here! They’d certainly be great fun in a game of cards though.
I think they’re a brilliant souvenir.
G’day Maureen! HOW priceless is Charlie’s expression, true!
LOVE the Aussie cards and thanks for this month’s kitchen view!
Cheers! Joanne
How priceless is Charlie’s expression, true!
LOVE the Aussie cards and thanks for this month’s kitchen view!
Cheers! Joanne
He usually has a smile but would he smile for the camera? NO. no treat for him!
Maureen, your IMK post is wonderful… playful! No redemption needed whatsoever.
LOL how funny
Charlie is looking very buff! Rhyming slang is amusing, but hard to figure out, at least for me. Nothing intuitive about it! But of course I’m a sepo (or is seppie the short form of septic tank?), not an Aussie. Fun post – thanks.
LOL They’d find a nickname for you in about 2 seconds. If you have red hair, you’re instantly bluey.
Charlie’s doesn’t look sold on his new haircut – lol! Hope your feeling better each day Maureen
I kept saying, “Smile, Charlie!” nope.. nothing doing. He was thinking, “I want off this chair!”
Charlie doesn’t look impressed with his new hairdo! Very cute tho. Cute, too, are those playing cards. Looking forward to that marmalade recipe. If you’ve any exciting recipes that use marmalade as a key ingredients (apart from Toast a la Marmalade) let me know. I’ve made a whole heap and I’m looking for ways to use it up.
Glad you are recovering well, Hx
Toast a la marmalade suits me just fine but your current cake is a definite winner!
No apologies are necessary…when you are ill no one expects you to deliver posts on your blog. You need to rest and recuperate; that’s primary!
The dog! So cute…my Abbie gets a summer do about 3 times a year. She’ll get long and a bit shaggy and while it’s cute to look at it also means her paws are thick with fur and she tracks in more dirt. So then she gets shorn and looks a bit like your pup; not altogether happy about it either! He is adorable; long or short coat and I would love to see swimming photos over here where the cold is coming soon.
Charlie swims 365 days a year. He’ll shiver and shake in the dead of winter (although it never gets THAT cold here) but he still swims. I’ll take photos of how he tosses his ball in the pool by himself and then jumps in to get it – and then does it over and over and over.
Love those cards! LOL! Isn’t it funny how one country’s expressions can baffle the rest of the world?
I think those cards are really cute.
Maureen, I love those cards! What fun. Your marmalade looks delicious…. and the puppy, way too cute : )
The cards are such a wonderful souvenir whether you’re bringing something home or bringing an Aussie gift overseas. I love mine!
Awwwww, Charlie..adorable, the eyes are just too precious.
I really like the cards, how cool would it be for a themed party.
I can’t wait for the Orange Marmalade!

Coming soon! I had to make it twice.. once in the Thermomix and once “by hand”
I am so intrigued by the Thermomix Maureen, I’ve seen it so many times on various blogs. It really sounds like it’s the only appliance you need in the kitchen. The marmalade sounds delicious, it’s my favourite jam. Puppy is as adorable as ever.
If someone stole my Thermomix, I’d buy another one. You can get them in Canada but not the US and I have no idea why. I don’t need a bread machine, a blender or a food processor any more but what I like best is that it will saute anything while I’m doing something else.
oh and custard in 7 minutes.
I have to get a set of those cards- my niece was telling me about the seppo this summer and I was not very amused. But then- maybe I just need to see some more of the slang to get the whole gist of the language barriers.
I rarely see mangoes that don’t have a tinge of red in them- I had to go back and take a second look.
Your marmalade sounds delish and so easy to make
Thanks for the peek into your kitchen!
Everything in Australia has a nickname. I’ve been Mauz since I got here.
Great post!
I love the Oz themed playing cards, the orange marmalade, the mangoes (reminds me that I’ve had a ripe one sitting in my fridge for more than a week) and dapper Charlie with his trim. I guess I love everything in your kitchen.
Aww that face. It’s almost like ‘hurry up and take the photo so I can eat mum!’
I haven’t had my first mango of the season yet but I’m looking forward to it.
Dan the Mango Man has a few locations on the Sunshine Coast. I swear by his mangoes. Never gassed.
oh Mum, not the hair, not the hair!! Yep, Charlies not impressed at all!!
Love the idea of those cards, I’m an Aussie born and bred and still learning new ones all the time
When we went through the cards I quizzed John to see if he knew what they were. He got nearly all of them right.
I don’t know how I missed this post. I’m supposed to get email alerts but every now and then, yours don’t come through. And then I found some of your comments on my blog in the trash! How do these things happen! I love the look of these cards! They would make excellent gifts to send overseas. We sure do have a lot of slang in this country! And yes, please video Charlie having fun in the pool – I’ll stay up for that! xx
Are mangoes really back in season? I’ve not been game to try them just yet. But they are my favourite too.
We’ve already eaten 26 mangoes so far this year. The first ones were very small.
They are wonderful! Fresh from Bowen and not gassed to rush ripening.
Love the deck of cards. Looks like fun.
Would love to speak “Australian” too.
Once you get it, Robert, it’s speaking ‘strine. (that’s redneck for Australian. and straya for Australia)
You could never say no to puppy dog eyes like that could you? Those cards are hilarious I’m sure I could do with a set too.
Hi Maureen. Your Charlie is gorgeous.
Hi Glenda, that’s not a very happy photo of my best friend Charlie. He doesn’t like the camera. As soon as I took it down from my face he was smiling with that look of, “I’m at the table, do I get food now?”
Awwww, Charlie! Give him a treat after he gets out of the pool for me.
Your orange marmalade looks wonderful.
it’s only 10:21am here now on Tuesday morning and he’s been in the pool twice already AND it’s been raining on and off. He should have flippers instead of paws.
Was your father a glassmaker? I love it! That’s a new one to me! Your marmalade looks gloriously sunny, and Charlie is so cute with his new haircut!
My dad always said, “You make a better door than a window,” but then he was a Downeaster not an Aussie.
(don’t ask why people from Maine are called “down”easters since they live in the far northeast of the US.
Dear Maureen, The orange marmalade looks wonderful. I am looking forward to the post. But, Charlie, now he is simply beautiful. He so much reminds me of my Inka. Blessings dear. Catherine xo
As we speak, Charlie is under my chair. I couldn’t roll back without squooshing him.
Naaww Charlie is still adorable! My boys are due for their haircuts too, although I keep their long silky ears – I cant bear to cut them short!!
Only because he swims so much do we give him “A number one”. He’s not anywhere near as cute with short hair.
Awwww… you little Charlies is absolutely a cutie!! Love his summer-do.
He can swim easier
Charlie can visit my kitchen any day – he is adorable!
Oh Serena, he really likes a sleepover
any excuse to go in the car. LOL
Hi Maureen, the mangos look fantastic. It is one of the joys of summer.
And Charlie is adorable…if he keeps working on that look he could be bigger than grumpy cat!
It was fun stopping my your kitchen.
He’s not grumpy all the time. Wait until I ask him to wear his Santa hat for his Christmas post – he could beat Grumpy Cat anytime then. However, toss a ball into the swimming pool any one of the 365 days of the year and he’s grinning from doggy ear to ear.
‘Your father wasn’t a glass blower & your mother wasn’t a bubble dancer’ A very common phrase in our house growing up and I use it with Mr Tiffin all the time now. He just looks at me and sighs…he thinks I make these things up. Charlie looks too cut and a little miffed. He’ll be happy when the humidity arrives though! Thanks for the tour Maureen.
I’ve never heard the bubble dancer. It was always you make a better door than a window at our house. Charlie usually has a smile but not when the camera comes out. I don’t know why.
Those cards are very funny Maureen. What a great idea she has come up with. Marmalade looks good. I saw it on Facebook. Yes please I want to see Charlie swimming. He is so beautiful x
Maureen – absolutely gorgeous photo of your sweet little dog. How did you train him to look so soulful?!
He wanted to play ball and I said, “Sit!” That’s my, “I don’t want to sit here while my ball is outside” look.