I’ve been wanting to do an “in my kitchen” post for oh, a year now, but so much going on, nothing much IN my kitchen to talk about or I forgot. It’s one of those reasons all the time.
Today is different. I got some cool things last weekend. Last week I received my much anticipated copy of Lorraine Elliott’s Not Quite Nigella book. If you have a sense of humor, get this book. You’ll thank me.
Last week wasn’t a terribly good week for me so on Saturday morning John said, “Let’s go to the farmer’s market and then get breakfast.” Anything with food in it is going to get my attention and off we went.
We said goodbye to Charlie and as I closed the door I could hear the tiniest “mmmmmph” from the other side. I’m pretty sure that was dog for, “I want to go too!” He waits right by the door until we get back.
As we drove up the street to the spot where the farmer’s market is, there was a car boot sale at the local church. John looked at me, my face gleaming with joy, and said, “oh come on, it might be fun.”
Well, fun it was. I bought cookbooks for a dollar – great for inspiration for photos or recipes. I bought some cute little baskets to use as props and a funny cake stand that folds down. I’m going to try to paint that. I’m not the craftiest person in the world, so don’t hold your breath.
THEN, just as we were getting ready to go to the car to dump our treasures, I saw this one table I hadn’t noticed. It had teapots on it. I swear if I’d come with tons of money I would have bought the lot but sadly, I was going for a few veggies.
Seriously, won’t that be cute to use as a prop for some yet unknown Australian recipe? John looked at me and shook his head. “That’s just stupid, don’t buy that one,” he said. I rolled my eyes at him as any American would do in Australia. Of course I had to have him!
Then I spied this chicken. Now normally you won’t find “cluttery” things in my house. Not that I don’t enjoy them in your house but frankly, I can’t be bothered keeping them all clean. Dirty collectibles do nothing for me so knowing that I have no extra time, I bought this chicken and I’ll use her as a prop.
Notice that wonderful pot in the background? I’ve already used it for an upcoming recipe. See!
I’ll be posting that recipe soon. It’s a white chocolate bread pudding made with brioche and rose petal and vanilla infused cream. John who rarely eats dessert has nearly finished it off.
We bought this after we arrived at the farmer’s market. Now you might be thinking this is the back of the bottle but alas, it’s not. This is made by an elderly couple (more elderly than me, I might add) who live in a caravan/travel trailer and cook their goodies in a local school kitchen and sell them at markets. We’ve bought from them before and I’ll be writing about them in my local blog, suncoastgourmet.com.au. They are as cute as can be but they could use some marketing help with the labels. Just a phone number, no website and they’ve marked over something on the label.
Still, I buy it because it’s so good. We have finished off 3 bottles and jars of stuff we’ve bought from them and that rarely happens in my kitchen. We eat some of it and the rest gets tossed because we forget to use it. Not with this. Anyway, at markets in Australia, homemade sauces and chutneys can cost from $9 to $15. No preservatives, hand made with love – that sort of thing comes with a price. How much are their sauces? $4. I can’t imagine that covers their costs! I need to get to know them better, don’t I ?
What’s happening in your kitchen this month?
If you’d like to do an In My Kitchen post on your own blog, please link back to Fig Jam and Lime Cordial and let her know when your post is up, so it can be added to the monthly listing.
P.S. I’ve just learned that gremlins attacked my email signup form so if you’ve tried and you’ve been given the wheel of doom that never stops turning, John is working on it as we speak so can you try again? I’d love to be able to let you know when I’ve posted something new.
laughing about the gremlin attacking your e-mail sign-up! I love the Koala teapot!! Will think about joining the In My Kitchen post.
I knew John was wrong about that teapot – everyone (but him) loves it
LOL! Your posts always cheer me up! Love the koala teapot!
LOL Peter, I should have married YOU !
You understand teapots! (just kidding)
I think my kitchen is too small to have pretty much anything going on in it, lol! Love your koala teapot though – the expression on the little guy’s face!!
My kitchen isn’t huge but it’s big enough to make a huge mess
That little koala is darling! I’m loving Lorraine’s book too
It’s SUCH a delightful read, isn’t it? it’s like you’re sitting there with her and she’s telling you story after story.
Thanks Christie and Maureen! I wish you both lived closer to me so we could talk more in real life!
I’ve had a ton of trouble with your email notifications, but things have been going on smoothly for a while (knock on wood…)
Nice round up of stuff in your kitchen, glad you joined that party, I am not very regular in my posts, but it’s a fun type of article to write, everyone loves it!
Yes, you should join in!
i still have not gotten that cookbook by Nigella. Every year I say I will order it then I forget. I know it is amazing ! Loved seeing what is in your kitchen. I need to do that on my site soon.
This is Not Quite Nigella and the book has only been out a little over a week
It’s worth it 
I love both the chicken and koala pots…They are fun. I have never taken a look at the cookbook. I’ll check it out. Do you know if it is available in the US?
It’s much more than a cookbook. If you follow Not Quite Nigella it’s stories with food tossed in as a bonus.
Of course you HAD to have the Koala teapot, it’s just so cute! How can anyone resist?! $4 is certainly a steal for a good home made plum chilli sauce. Thanks for showing us your IMK post
Thanks, Lisa. I wish I’d bought all of her teapots. she had about 50 !
I’m with you – I like cluttery things in other people’s houses, just not in mine. I’ll bet the minute the car rolled away Charlie was snoozing happily on the sofa; and the minute he heard you return, he scurried back to the door so you’ll thinking he was pining for your return.
At least that’s what a cat would do. Sounds like a fun day – thanks for an entertaining post.
I’d like to think he does that but he doesn’t. If I go out and John is here, Charlie still waits by the door. He’s John’s dog but he’s my boy. I spoil him, I feed him, I walk him, I bathe him and I toss the ball for him. Who wouldn’t love me?
Looks like a great read!
It is a lovely book
Dear Maureen, My little dog does the same thing! It breaks my heart when I have to go out and can’t take him along.
I love the little teapots you bought and the chicken. They will brighten up any day. Blessings dearest and a hug. Catherine xo
The whimper breaks my heart but not enough to stay home
Our farmers markets open tomorrow and I’ll be taking my Max with me. He stays in the car but he loves the crossing/parking guard. He cries for her, she comes and spends a minute or 2 with him, and he’s fine until my return. It’s quite the show for people at that end of the market. Wonderful peek into your kitchen today, Maureen, and I look forward to your bread pudding recipe. Have a great weekend.
John, I loved this comment. Isn’t it cute when they develop a love for someone that’s wacky? Charlie adores the pool man. We have to keep him locked inside or the poor fellow wouldn’t get anything done at all. Charlie keeps bringing him his ball to toss in the pool.
Bread pudding coming up next!
I adore that koala teapot… I collect teapots.
I would have run home just get get more money to shop. LOL! I know… I’ve got issues.
What a wonderful cookbook…. congratulations to Lorraine!!
I regret not buying more but finding room to put everything is a problem
Thank you so much Ramona!
Aww shucks thank you for the kind words Maureen! You are so sweet
I’m looking forward to meeting up next week!
And I would have so bought that koala teapot-it’s SO cute 
I loved reading your book. It was like sitting down with a glass of wine and letting you talk.
I’m going to read these comments about the koala teapot to John and tell him that “NOT ALL AUSSIES WILL HATE IT.” LOL
Oh I really do need to go out and get Lorraines book too. It sounds like I will be seeing you at the book launch on Monday night??
Nah, not me, sadly.
Are you going?
I love all your great finds and would have bought the koala teapot, too. When I was up in Cairns, there was a souvenir store with this gigantic 8 foot koala in front of it. Yep, yours truly has has a picture with the fake koala in an album, along with Lone Pine pics.
I am excited for Suncoast Gourmet – congratulations!
so you should share that photo! LOL
Photo props! What a good excuse to buy some cute items. One reason the chili sauce might be so cheap is that they don’t go spending money on fancy labels. It’s easy to spend as much on the packaging as on the product. That’s experience speaking.
Interesting point. Even then, $4 isn’t much over here
I love the Koala teapot – I hope you bought it! And the chicken is lovely too! I have a lot of teapots, but I always forget to use them as props in the background. I do use them to brew real tea, though.
I have two really nice tea pots and sometimes I think to use them
I’m glad you joined in on these
I love your koala teapot – you definitely made the right decision to buy it! – and am looking forward to the upcoming recipes with beautiful new props. Exciting that you got your cookbook too!
I ordered Lorraine’s book pre-launch and it was mailed just after midnight
I knew it would be good
Well I love the chicken! (I have a thing for chickens, you know!). That brioche pudding sounds awesome. Do you deliver?!
When I had all my chickens people would give me chicken things all the time. For you, I’d get in the car and drive down with this pudding.
Ah Lorraine’s anticipated book (I want!), you lucky girl. =P
lol the coala and chicken pots are cute but I don’t know… not sure if I d be that inspired to use them in a picture. I wouldn’t know what would go with that. Some Australian cookies maybe? Well, you l surprise us for sure.
4 dollars? wow tell the makers that the price is even cheaper then what it would cost in India. I d love to read more about them!
Who knows but I’ll think of something. John told me I knew strange people when he read the comments. They liked the koala pot?? he said. LOL
geeky man
So many cute finds all in one post! LOVE that chicken teapot.
I had fun buying them – mostly to see John’s eyes roll.
Your teapot collection is crazy awesome
Choc Chip Uru
I should have bought the lot!
See, I find the chilli sauce label completely endearing – I’d probably buy it because a cute old couple couldn’t give a toss to do anything more fancy.
Your pudding looks divine, Lorraine’s book is fantastic, oh and John was right about the koala teapot, M.
So lovely to have you joining in! xx
John will LOVE you, you Aussie, you.
My Americanness thinks it’s cute LOL
Such a cute collection. I am still getting around to using props. Somehow, my creativity flies out of the window as soon as the time comes to make props. I love the tea pot.
PS: Gremlins…wheel of doom, lol!!! You crack me up!! Btw, I haven’t received an email update from Orgasmic Chef since April 19th. I double checked. I have been wondering what happened……which means I will need to sign up again.
That’s so strange. I’ve got John looking into it. I haven’t changed anything on mail chimp so I don’t know why it worked before and doesn’t now. Sorry, Minnie!
I can’t wait to read Lorraine’s book and your bread pudding looks scrumptious!
you should get the book
I’m posing the white chocolate bread pudding today
Wow, that’s a nice post. The koala teapot is a cutie! Who wouldn’t be delighted by it? Lol.
Some Aussies think it’s silly
Lovely to see you again, Manilyn, how’s business? I still think you have a great idea.
I’ve been a follower of your blog since then. Your posts never fail to amuse me. Thanks for asking, so far, so good.
Thanks!! I am delighted to hear that you think it’s a great idea. The teapot reminds me of Japanese stuffs. They are fond of creating cutie stuffs.
Damn, I was hoping to meet you tonight
I have finished Lorraine’s book and loved it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. John was definitely wrong about that teapot. It’s super cute and definitely something an American would pick up in Australia. You can also never have too many photography props! Something I’m learning more and more about.
Thank you so much, Alison and I will read this aloud to John.