What do you cook when you’re not feeling 100% and you need a dessert? I was headed for profiteroles the other day and had made the vanilla custard for the filling and John’s dad said, “Are you making cake?”
So cake it was. I’ve still got chest pains so I did what we all do on occasion. I went to the freezer and pulled out a couple of cake layers and let them thaw while the custard chilled.
When the cake was able to be sliced, I split both layers and filled each layer with whipped cream and between the two layers, I smeared the chilled vanilla custard. I made a chocolate ganache for the top and we had cake.
Rob was very happy and so was John because I had also made some vanilla bean ice cream that went well with the cake. (Vanilla ice cream goes with everything, doesn’t it?)
For my friends who remembered, today was the day I got my test results from all the poking and prodding that’s been going on for weeks. The good news is that I’m going to live. My wonderful doctor said it must be the fact that I don’t eat junk food that caused my “numbers” to be so good.
She has even reduced one of the meds I used to take. “You’ve dodged a bullet, Maureen,” she said. How can I have dodged a bullet when there was nothing REALLY wrong in the first place? I didn’t dare ask.
I still have to see the exercise physiologist (ugh) and the dietician (ugh) and the vascular surgeon but I have the all clear to resume life as normal once the chest infection is gone. Yay.
It’s time to get back in the kitchen and get my cooking mojo back. When you think the big one is coming every time you sneeze, you don’t feel much like cooking or creating. I’ll have to find the recipe for the cake. It’s been a few weeks since I made it and I can’t remember which one I used. Sometimes I’m pretty useless. Here’s the recipe for vanilla bean ice cream. Here’s the link for the chocolate ganache recipe I used.
Vanilla ice cream is really underrated. It’s good stuff, and goes with almost anything. Terrific cake! And terrific news about your test results. Good luck with your upcoming meetings.
I like “flavored” ice cream but we always have homemade vanilla ice cream in the freezer.
um okay this is easy and quick and why don’t i make it every single night. I mean come- I can have my cake and eat it too!
LOL so true and when you have a 92 year old who doesn’t think dinner is complete until dessert has been served, this cake comes in handy.
i hope you got my last comment. I doesn;t look like it went through!
G’day! First and foremost Maureen! I do hope you feel better soon, true!
I also hope your chest pains lessen in time too!
Your cake photo drew me right in today!
I’ll bring the coffee (or tea), seeing you’ve made the cake…which tasting am sure would MAKE me day!
Cheers! Joanne
I’ll be fine. I just needed the okay to start working out and I’m sure I’ll feel 100% very soon.
I can’t take it any more- this debacle in the United States Congress! I feel like returning on the next plane to Australia and eating your cake to make myself feel better!
I hope you’re feeling better now, Maureen. I must say the your cake, with so much custard between the layers, looks perfect to me. Yum!
So glad your test results were good. Love this idea for a fast and delicious dessert!
This looks so tasty, When I’m feeling down I always crave pudding. Not the box kind either, it has to be homemade from my hubby.
OMG! Cake, custard, chocolate and ice-cream. It’s like a party on a plate. Can I come over?!
Yes!! I’ve been waiting for you.
I’m so relieved Maureen that you’re ok! But really, you must have been wringing your hands waiting for those results. I know I would have been!
Other than the chest pain, which I will admit is terribly off-putting, I feel fine so I didn’t worry so much. I’m glad to know I’m going to live.
Well, I’m coming to your place to recuperate with you… if I do, can I please have some layered custard cake!? That’s great news by the way, I am doing a happy dance for you right now… and I mean it!
I’ve got a downstairs bedroom with your name on it. Not far from the kitchen.
I hope you feel better soon!
Excellent news Maureen! And I am relieved you didn’t attempt profiteroles when feeling a bit under the weather – I think they’re best left alone even when feeling well!
I like making profiteroles. I think they’re really easy.
I struggle decorating cakes.
I want to go to there. Please for you to bring me cake.
I’m waiting for you!
Vanilla ice cream is truly versatile but under rated. The cake looks lovely and a perfect way to end a meal clubbed with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
We’re spoiled. Neither of us likes store bought ice cream after making our own. (that’s the royal we because John doesn’t cook unless I’m not around)
I’m so happy that you’re fine. There’s nothing worse than thinking the worst could be wrong with you. I’m with you though, a great slice of cake could definitely make you feel better. This little cake you whipped up looks fantastic. It’s my kind of cake!
So glad you’re well!
Thanks, Vicki, it’s been a very tense time. I know we shouldn’t worry but when you’re told you’ve had one heart attack and now you have chest pains that don’t go away – it’s tough to ignore.
Maureen, This cake is a pretty good indication that you’re on your way back. It seems to take so long to recover both physically and mentally after you’ve been ill. Take it slow!
I’m trying to take it easy but I’m not good at it.
OMG!!! I want a slice! It looks soft and tasty, melted chocolate is perfect…! Good luck with phisiologist and dietitian! Simona
Oh dear, that cake looks mouthwatering! i could eat it every single day and never get tired! Lovely, just lovely!
Oh I like new things. It has to be a really good dessert for me to have leftover dessert.
I’m glad to hear the good news about your health. And this cake looks delish!
Thank you and thank you! Lovely to see you.
Cake + custard +chocolate ganache + ice cream – that i screaming for me!!! This looks divine…
I am also like you – I always have some vanilla ice cream in my freezer!
Exactly.. all my favorites on one plate.
Glad you got the all-clear, Maureen. Yay! Love the idea of having emergency cake in the freezer for when you need TLC and dessert but just don’t feel up to making it.
What’s the point of having a freezer if it has no desserts in it?
Wonderful news, Maureen.
I laughed to hear that you have cakes in your freezer ready to be assembled into masterpieces like the one you ended up with. And vanilla bean ice cream goes with everything. It’s the little black dress of desserts. You can dress it up or just let it strut its stuff on its own.
I’d like to see the vanilla custard recipe.
You are so right and the little black dress comparison is spot on!
You are never ‘useless’, Maureen!!!!
This cake is so delicious I would eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. People who can only eat cake for dessert don’t know what they are missing.
When nobody’s looking I could eat cake for breakfast.
Yum! What a great cake!
Thanks! The photos were pretty crap but the cake was great.
I’d have to say vanilla is the best ice-cream flavour of them all. Looks like a wonderful dessert to me Maureen. I’m very happy you got the all clear. Hopefully the other doctors don’t cause you too much grief xx
I’m just glad all the tests are done where I have to be naked.
My husband would go crazy for this cake… it has all his favorites in one sweet treat
Looks wonderful. I am so glad all your tests are coming back okay… hope your infection goes away and your 100% soon. 
Me too, Ramona. John loves cake with cream – add custard and he’s even happier. John’s dad will eat anything that has sugar in it.
I am so glad to hear that you ‘dodged the bullet’ Maureen, and I would have been gasping for breath if I had my doctor say that! Do take care of yourself, I along with many people (and those more important in your life than ‘us’) would miss you terribly! Lovely cake, but more importantly, keep sticking around for your own loveliness that you add to our lives!
Awww, Roz, you’re makin’ me blush.
This is just a quickie you pulled together while sick? You are nuts woman! You should be in bed resting. Period. The boys could have had their cake and eaten it too…and served you a slice IN YOUR BED!!!
Um, get some rest? But first bring me a slice?
Wouldn’t it be fun to get together for snacks and drinks? You make the BEST drinks!
You made Boston Cream Pie! Or at least, that’s exactly the way I was taught to make it! Looks delicious.
Sort of. Two of the layers are filled with whipped cream and the middle is vanilla custard. My husband LOVES cream.
I’m so glad to hear you have your results. That must give you so much peace of mind. I do love the look of this cake and I’m glad it was put together relatively easily. Has John’s dad gained any weight? Is he having to loosen his belt? You sure are feeding him well. Great to have you back, Maureen (not that you were gone but great you’re feeling like you can step back into your life again) xx
The oozing chocolate sauce over those white fluffy layers of cake…………………… Multiple orgasms for sure! LOL!
Dear Maureen, Happy, Happy, Happy!!! That is what I am to hear that you got a good report from your doctor!
It is true when life is not in tune it is difficult to get the mojo, and when you think you have it somehow is slips away. Then you must get it back.
The cake looks like Boston Cream cake, anyway it looks delicious!
Blessings my dear. Catherine xoxo
Great news Maureen!!! So good to hear that your test results are so good and that you’re going to live.
What a relief! Now you can rest (whoops – exercise) easy. Great save on the cake! Do you really freeze cake layers for later? I guess I’m not much of a baker. Well, you did a beautiful job with it. Looks yummy!
I’m sorry to hear you still have the pain but what good news that your healthy living has pulled you through. That cakes looks so delectable. Custard and cream with anything gets me hungry. I must go get a slice of lemon tart.
It must be a real relief to have positive results. I hope you feel better soon, a chest infection is so debilitating and tiring. Fabulous looking cake, I’m inpressed you obviously have a fabulously filled freezer!! GG x
What great news Maureen! I’m so glad for you and your family. Take your time and recover, no need to feel useless- especially when you are knocking out such yummy desserts still
aww thanks
Glad to hear you have had good results. Ot must have been a trying time both with fear and with you not being able to do anything. What torture for a busy person that loves to cook. MMMMM cake and custard perfect!
That’s great news Maureen!
Oh, and the cake. Love it. I think I get more joy out of those impromptu “recipes” than an actual one.
LUV this quick and easy cake – I can see how it would help you on a day when you were not 100%
Hope you are feeling better soon and glad one of your docs have given you a thumbs up!
Maureen, I’m sorry to hear you’ve been dealing with a bit of medical scare lately. I certainly know how that feels, awaiting test results and having a daily concern looming in your thoughts. You will be added to my prayers for good health! Now…I’m so impressed that you can pull out a few cake layers from your freezer!!! I think that is the perfect way to go, especially with the holidays coming up and sudden dinner parties presenting themselves!! Perfect, perfect tip!
As much as I love this cake, I am so glad everything is going Ok with the health. Happy to hear about the news. Do take care.
Good to hear your test results were good Maureen! And that cake is worth any celebration I’d think…:) quick and easy!
take good care!
Vanilla bean ice cream does indeed go with everything, I can’t imagine a quicker and yummier-looking dessert. I’m so glad you had good news from your doctor. Worry really does suck the creative energy out of you. Now that’s over, back to the inspiring dishes!
First of all, I’m so sorry to hear you were not feeling well and still have some chest pain. But glad to hear the results were good. I certainly didn’t expect to find that out when I wasn’t visiting your blog.
Please take good care, Maureen! You still can make this delicious dessert! I refuse to make layered cake because I’m lazy. Not very good example to kids. Thanks for sharing, and again take good care!
Quick, easy and I am sure it would be a crowd pleaser. All the wonderful elements are there ready to be devoured
YAY! I’m glad you are going to live!

More cake for all xxxx
I am so excited to hear you are healthy and wonderful!!! I love your easy cake, especially that decadent and yummy chocolate frosting! Hugs, Terra
Aww thanks, Terra. You know what they say, “only the good die young,” so if that’s the case — I’m going to be around FOR-EVAH!
Maureen – you do really need to follow the doc’s orders here. We all want to keep you around!! How nice that you keep cakes frozen for emergencies!
Trying this tonight- my 36year old son’s birthday and I have a cold – I really do not want to do much