Two weekends ago I was invited to a class at The Golden Pig in Brisbane. I’d heard about the cooking school and about Katrina Ryan and I REALLY wanted to go. Life is incredibly busy right now with lots going on and then there are the olds to consider.
Then I remembered something my friend Judith said, “Your first duty of care is to yourself, Maureen.” I smiled and to myself said, “You’re worth it.”
I’m so glad I went. It was the best cooking class I have ever attended and I’m not surprised that people come from all over Australia and the world to take classes from Katrina. She learned Thai cooking from Neil Perry who learned it from David Thompson, the Australian chef whose restaurant in Bangkok is the best there is. Katrina went on to become the head chef at Rockpool and later was the personal chef of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman when they were in Australia. She also taught at the Spirit House on the Sunshine Coast – probably our most well known (and well loved) restaurant.
She’s a sharp cookie and I’m sure she doesn’t suffer fools easily, but she was such a good teacher. She explained each ingredient, how to prep it, how it could be cooked and showed every step of every recipe. None of us left that school not knowing how to make all the dishes.
We began by making the curry pastes in our mortars and learned to hit with the pestle and not ‘stir’ with it as I have been wont to do upon occasion. No more! We made Red Curry with Salmon and Green Peppercorns, Massaman Curry of Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Fried Cashews and Northern Thai Pork Curry with Tamarind and Ginger. My team made the salmon curry.
We soaked dried long red chillies in boiling water and then removed the seeds and chopped finely before adding to the mortar along with all the other ingredients for the red curry paste. Once all the curry pastes were made, it was time to prep the other ingredients. I learned to carefully (and thinly) slice krachai from the ginger family. It imparts a slightly bitter taste that adds another layer of flavour. Nothing was difficult but it does take a bit of time. Curry paste can be made well ahead of time and keeps in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
Then Katrina showed us how to make each dish. First she showed us how to take the top of the coconut cream and put it in the wok and cook until it ‘cracked’ and released its oil. Then the curry paste was added. Oh the aroma in that room!
Once all the curries were made and the salad was prepped and dressed, it was time to eat and eat we did. It was an outstanding day and I hope to attend another class by Katrina in the future. Come with me!
I showed the dishes before the herbs were put on top because then you couldn’t see the good bits like the deep fried peanuts.
Wow – looks like a wonderful delicious class. Glad you are doing something good for yourself – as you seem to do a lot for others. Yum!
All that food looks amazing and I’m glad you got some time for yourself x
Wow! Maureen, this looks like the cooking class of a lifetime, would love to make the salmon curry, will you be posting any of these recipes yourself?
I’ve made the lamb curry – leftovers tonight! Pure heaven on a fork.
I would never even think about making such pastes!!!!! Now…. My brain is churning out some funky ideas!
What a fun class! I love Thai food, but it’s one cuisine I rarely cook at home, but just eat in restaurants. Weird. So this post is perfect for someone like me! Thanks.
I think we all need to be reminded once in a while that “Your first duty of care is to yourself.” Yes, indeed. That is why airplane personnel remind us at the beginning of every flight that if the oxygen masks fall, put yours on first before you even help your children. You will be no good to them if you pass out.
The Thai dishes look super flavorful!
Oh, how lucky were you Maureen – this class looks wonderful and is all summed up by the final dishes.
Wow Maureen, this class and the dishes you all made look just wonderful, what a great experience! And yes you are DEFINITELY worth it, don’t even doubt that you deserve to have great experiences like this!
It is so wonderful that you listen to your friend Judith. What an incredible experience! The food looks fantastic!
I’m so glad that you went as you absolutely deserve it and you must look after yourself and take time for yourself
I have been to one of Katrina’s classes (in South Australia) and it was fantastic! She teaches a great class 
These photos are amazing! I love the pig
Oh Maureen, what fun! I am soooooooooo glad that you went along. I miss the cooking school days, though I don’t miss the hard work of cleaning up afterwards : )
Absolutely fascinating! Would so have loved to be a birdie on your shoulder! As I make and eat Asian food at least 4 nights a week, Thai appears oft on the table: yet oddly, I usually buy the pastes whereas I make them myself for all other Asian cuisines! Red is not hard, for green I have difficulty accessing all the ingredients here! Am reading, am dreaming – about time I got over my ‘complex’!! Delightful post . . .
Good for you! I’m glad you did something for you! What a terrific opportunity. That salad (well, ALL the food) looks amazing!!!
G’day! What a great experience Maureen that we all get to experience through your unique eyes!
Love making curries from scratch! I can almost smell the food from here!
Cheers! Joanne
What a wonderful opportunity, it is great you went out of your way to attend this curried day. It sounds delightful and I agree, there is no better smell than of curry paste frying in a little coconut cream. Wonderful photographs and thanks for sharing your fantastic experience with us, it all looks so delicious
What a fantastic experience. I need a new mortar and pestle so that I can use it properly as the one I have is too light
I have done well over 20 classes at THE GOLDEN PIG & totally enjoyed every one – Katrina is a fantastic teacher who loves to share her knowledge of food while making a fun experience for all at the same time. I intend to participate in as many events as I can
This looks a wonderful class, Maureen. If I’ve got the time I’ll make my own pastes. The best curries I’ve made come from Donna Hay recipes strangely enough. Massaman being my favourite, although I’ve never done it with it lamb.
Great class…glad you listened to your friend’s advice!
ela h.
You are absolutely worth it, Maureen! XOXO So hugely proud of you for caring for yourself in the midst of all the hard things in your life right now. You are an inspiration.
I’m so glad you decided to go, it looks lovely! Curry paste from scratch is fantastic isn’t it
Wow! All those dishes looks amazing! What a great class. I would love to learn how to make fresh curry paste! Glad you listened to your wise friend!
Maureen, thank you for sharing the class, and today I learned why coconut cream is added ahead of the paste. How lovely all the curries look. My mouth waters.
Your friend is indeed right – you are always doing so much for your loved ones Maureen, glad you got to do something for yourself! This class sounds fantastic and OH MY GOSHHHH – The food looks AMAZING!!! And Yall cooked it!!! I can imagine the smells-wow!
Your friend is indeed right – you are always doing so much for your loved ones Maureen, glad you got to do something for yourself! This class sounds fantastic and OH MY GOSHHHH – The food looks AMAZING!!! And Yall cooked it!!! I can imagine the smells-wow!!
Your friend is indeed right – you are always doing so much for your loved ones Maureen, glad you got to do something for yourself! This class sounds fantastic and OH MY GOSHHHH – The food looks AMAZING!!! And Yall cooked it!!! I can imagine the smells-wow!!!
Your friend is indeed right – you are always doing so much for your loved ones Maureen, glad you got to do something for yourself! This class sounds fantastic and OH MY GOSHHHH – The food looks AMAZING!!! And Yall cooked it!! I can imagine the smells-wow!!!
this looks great what a fun class
This class sounds fantastic, I am so jealous you learnt so much in it
Thank you for sharing it with us, my mouth is watering now!
Choc Chip Uru
That does look and sound like an amazing cooking class, glad you did go and share it with us. We love Thai curries but I haven’t made a curry paste from scratch in a really long time, thanks for reminding me to stop being lazy.
It is so important to take care of yourself and I know I am horrible at it. Looks like these curry pastes would take care of anyone! Gorgeous and I’m sure they tasted fantastic!
i could put that on just about anything- from a sandwich to pasta or a soup. Love it and how fun is that to be able to do a class like that. I am so jealous
my comment never shows up? Ok lets do this again. was just saying how fun that class looks and how delicious the paste is. I could put it on anything from sandwiches to pasta! YUM!
What a wonderful class. I don’t know of Katrina Ryan, so thank you for the introduction. I just love that for all the years I have been cooking, there is still so much more to learn. I find the process of discovering new things so much fun, so stimulating, and really refreshing. The new knowledge invigorates and inspires me me and makes me want to get cooking. It looks like you made a wonderful group of dishes. Thank you so much for sharing.
Wow this sounds like a great class. I’ve never heard of her but it sounds like she taught you a lot of great lessons and shared some useful tips. Cooking classes are such fun aren’t they? That one dish with the veggies looks wonderful! What was that?
Oh Maureen, this was sure a fun class…and thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Hope you are enjoying the rest of your week
Oh my gosh Maureen, that looks like so much fun and the food looks delicious
I am glad you had fun, wish we had a local class here like that!
it sounds like a fantabulous class maureen. and i want that piggie!
What a lovely setting! I’m happy you have attended the class :). It gives off a different unexplainable feeling afterwards.
Gourmet Getaways
What a fantastic opportunity! You are right, if you don’t take care of yourself, then you won’t have the energy to do the things that you need to do for your family members. I love Thai cooking. I have Thai friends and there is no better place to do that with that others who work with the ingredients daily and have a love and passion for the cooking. Even though I am living in Hong Kong, my favorite cuisine is Thai. I love the delicate keffir lime leaves, lemon grass and all of the curries. Thanks for sharing your experience. Have a super weekend. BAM
What an amazing experience, I love Thai food and how amazing it must have been to learn how to do things properly. The dishes look so good and I can only imagine how wonderful that classroom must have smelt. When I am next in Brisbane this is something I am going to have to do!
I was certain I had commented but I guess I was mistaken. In any case, I love the smiling pig in the first picture and the idea of taking a Thai cooking class makes me wish that I lived in Brisbane.
What a great cooking class you attended.. I’ve been to some cooking classes this year too, but none on thai cooking. Sounds wonderful, and the dishes look soo good.
Boy Howdy did you make the right choice to go to the class. It’s important to remember you are ‘Person’ not just one of the many hats you put on for everyone else. Just the glimpses you gave us with the photos and the blog was a boat load of fun. I love Thai food, but I never make it at home. I even have a wonderful cookbook for it. I am going to have to correct that.
Oh Maureen, I envy you that you were able to attend this Thai cooking class and from one of the best! I adore Thai food, second only to Italian. I’ve been to Bangkok twice and could eat anything they served me from a restaurant to a grass-thatch roof hut! Did she give you some of her recipes? Cherish them!
I’d love to go to a class like that. It would be good to learn dishes and tips for dishes rather than blindly follow a book. The food looks amazing, definitely something to make again too. GG
Curry fest! What delectable looking pix.
I’d love to go with you, everything looks just amazing. What a fun, fun day. I’m so happy you got to take such a delightful break Maureen!
What a spectacular class Maureen. So glad you got to enjoy some personal TLC in such a creative and instructive setting xx
What a fun looking place!
Now that’s the kinds of cooking class I’d love to go to! Not only does it look like you had a blast, you learned something too. Can’t be that. Red Curry paste – YUM!
Wow, nice and found cooking class!!
i love to watch, but when it comes with a mortar and pestle, i think i can handle it!!!
There is no better way to learn thaui cooking than with Katrina. It was nice for you to get out and about and go to Brisbane. I want to go wuith you next time
Maureen this looks so good!! Glad you went to this class!
I’m so happy to hear you went to this cooking class and reported back to us!
It sounds like a great class (wow, personal chef to Tom Cruise? – I’m more envy about meeting Tom Cruise part. Haha). I always want to learn Thai cooking as I enjoy eating out all the time. Probably number 1 cuisine that I want to learn… I’m jealous that you now know how to cook some dish at home!
Sounds like a great class and I love how at the end a feast was served up! How many people to a class? as it looks like you made enough to feed an army
I am so glad you got to enjoy this wonderful cooking class…and that you shared the experience with us! So lovely and delicious!
Maureen, that must have really been fun! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Sounds so much fun! The aromas of an authentic curry made from scratch and with fresh ingredients is priceless! I can only imagine how good it must have been
Glad you decided to take care of yourself and had a great time at the cooking class. What a gorgeous meal to end a delightful class..
Wow! This looks like so much fun!
Everything looks so good! What a fun class!
Youre really making me hungry early this morning! look at all those dishes
Oh, Maureen! How wonderful! I’m so glad you went – both for you (because yes, you DO deserve it!) and also for all of us who got to live vicariously through you! Nothing beats learning from a top-notch instructor! And wow – what beautiful dishes! Thank you so much sharing!
That class sounds fantastic! I love taking cooking classes of other cuisines. It’s so much fun to go home and try out what you learned. I’m jealous of you with this class though. Curries is something I really want to learn how to do, so I don’t have to just buy those tins of curry powder to get my fix.
Pam, the difference between the stuff in the jar and the stuff we made – well, there’s no comparison. None whatsoever, other than the name. The complexity of the flavors without just feeling ‘tongue hot’ was fantastic.
What a fantastic experience this must have been! I now am completely sure I use a mortar and pestle wrong – confession: I don’t have them anymore, during the move it was one of the items I gave away…. that and the crockpot. I miss them both, sometimes
Now I’m craving a nice meal made with some red hot curry paste…
LOL I gave my mortar and pestle away too a long time ago because no matter how hard I worked, everything still seemed whole. I was using it wrong. Now I have a heavy one but it’s not big enough for the curry paste I want to make. I found one for $89 so it’s off to the shops today.
I’m glad you went to the class, Maureen. You need to listen to your friend and take care of yourself. The dishes look fittin’ to eat.
What a fantastic class Maureen! Thai pastes from scratch and with such a lovely instructor as well. I can just imagine how fragrant the room was!
Just been transported to Thailand – love their curries so much and fragrant touches – and the colours! Love all your photos, Maureen. That class looks fabulous. Lot to be said for having the perfect teacher. Spot on!
This looks amazing. Have been thinking about going for a cooking class for some time now and I think this was just the kick up the backside I needed! Good work!
I hope you find a teacher just as good as Katrina Ryan is because I can still close my eyes and smell the aroma and taste that food.
This looks like a wonderful class, Maureen!! I would love it. Everything looks so fresh. I’m glad you went – we all need to remember to do things for ourselves!
Oh man I would have enjoyed the cooking class since we like thai food but I don’t know much about the cuisine. Also I think so we would have had fun together there, no? =D
Making your own curry pastes from scratch really is rewarding. Taste amazing too